On Saturday night Chris and I went over to my Taylor grandparent's house to eat dinner with the whole Taylor crew - minus my mom, dad, brother and sister. When I rang the doorbell my cousin Cat opened the door. I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw her so I was shocked when I saw the beautiful girl standing there! She's 13 and almost as tall as me. Crazy! I also saw my cousin Daniel and he's grown so much, too. My newest cousin Leah is one of those babies that makes me baby-hungry - she's just that cute.
We ate a delicious dinner at Ottavios - I got a very tomato-y pizza, mmm. I'm so glad they're putting tomatoes back on food, life was miserable for awhile without 'em. While we were eating I mentioned to my aunt and uncle who live in a neighborhood in southern California that I remembered someone telling me that an X-File was filmed there. I asked if they wanted to see it so back at the house we watched the episode called "Arcadia." Turns out it was filmed in the neighborhood right across the street, but the houses in their neighborhood are modeled the same and they did recognize the streets and such. It's always fun to feel that connection between yourself and part of something bigger, you know?
Today I went to church in Alpine to see my friend Erin who (whom? that?) I haven't seen since her wedding reception in 2004. It was really nice to catch up and see her two cute kids - with another on the way. I gotta catch up!

I hope it's not another 4-5 years before I see my California cousins or Erin again!
PS - Only 40 days 'til Breaking Dawn. Who's excited?! ME ME ME!
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