The One with Rain Rain Go Away
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The One with Rachel the Cat
Friday, August 29, 2008

The One with the New Look
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I don't have much to blog about today so I'll just make a list of things that come to mind.
1) Gas prices are going down. It's under $4.00 a gallon right now.

2) Every time I log onto Facebook I get really nostalgic.

3) I'm just about finished watching the entire series of the Gilmore Girls on DVD.

4) I'm counting down the days until I head out to Scrapfest in Minnesota.

The One with Jen's Baby Shower
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The One with My All-Time Favorite Movie
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

There's not really a big plot line - it's mostly a series of sweet moments, each capped with the right song at the right time. The music is a really big part of my attraction to this movie. It's so different from anything I listen to on a regular basis. It's sort of folk/small town/country music. Also, the chemistry between Orlando Bloom (Drew Baylor from Oregon) and Kirsten Dunst (Claire Colburn from "Loo-uh-vul" Kentucky) particularly draws me in.
I think part of me wants to live the "small town" life where everyone knows everyone, houses have picket fences and wrap-around porches, and you can hear crickets and see the stars at night. There's a lot of that stuff in this movie which is another reason I love it.
There are also some really great quotes in the movie, such as: "If it wasn't this, it'd be something else." So true.
This movie definitely doesn't appeal to everyone - I've recommended it to friends and family who watched it and weren't as impressed as I thought they would be. I guess I hyped it up too much. If you do decide to see it, make sure you can watch it all the way through with no distractions and in a quiet place where you can really get into the music. And take into account if you plan to watch it with children that it is PG-13 for a reason.
"Lovin' life. Lovin' you."
The One with Michael Phelps
Monday, August 25, 2008
"They always said, 'You know, the one like Mark Spitz with all the medals,'" McDonell laughed. "It was certainly an idea that occurred to us."
On Wednesday, Sports Illustrated will unveil its exclusive photo on newsstands across the country. On the cover, a grinning and bare-chested Phelps, 23, displays eight medals splayed across his chest in a nod to the man whose record he broke.
"It is not lost on me that the Spitz picture is one of the most popular and iconic photos in all of sports," McDonell said.
McDonell said the cover was a way to visually and instantly portray the "dominant" story of the week.
"This is about Michael going forward, this is an image that our readers and others will remember.""

The One with Chris' Breaking Dawn Review
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Title & Author: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (756 pages)
Genre: Fiction—Adventure & Romance
Completed: 22 August 2008
Summary & Review:
This is the long awaited final volume of the Twilight Saga. Early on in the book Bella and Edward finally get married, but Bella decides to remain human/mortal for a little while to enjoy the, er, physical aspects of their married relationship. While enjoying their honeymoon Bella realizes she is pregnant. Yep, pregnant, with a half-human/half-vampire baby that almost kills Bella when she delivers it. The only way Edward can save her is to turn her into a vampire. Bella adjusts quickly to the life of an immortal and life as a mother. But, this newfound peace doesn’t last long as the Volturi decide the new hybrid baby is a threat and come to destroy the Cullen clan.
Paige had a pretty mixed review about this book, but I know she was happy that at least Bella and Edward got married and that Bella was turned into a vampire. I was glad about that, too. It would have made the whole series kind of pointless if Bella and Edward didn’t get to “ride off into the sunset” as vampires. But, I would have to say that this was my least favorite book of the series. I thought the action aspect of the plot was a major let down—the story built up your anticipation for a huge, apocalyptic final battle between the Cullens and the Volturi, but nothing happened. Not only was the action aspect kind of a disappointment, but the relationship between Bella and Edward really took a supporting, rather than starring, role. That relationship and the interaction between those two has been the backbone for this series and has been what has drawn so many fans to the saga, so to see it play such a minor role in the bulk of the plot was a big change. Also, why were there so many typos? And I’m not even talking about misspelled words; I’m talking about major grammatical errors. I’m sure that drove Paige, Ms. Editor, absolutely nuts, since it even bugged me. I guess they must have rushed to get this book out, probably someone (The publisher? An agent? Meyer herself?) got a little greedy and antsy for the big pay day. But I'm glad Stephenie Meyer tied up the series.
Rating: 8.0
The One with More Rafting Pictures
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The One with the Ruined Shoes
Friday, August 22, 2008

The One with Skandar Evans
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The One with Kelly Neidig
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The One with the Moved Up Twilight Movie Release Date
Monday, August 18, 2008

The One with the Yorkie Puppy
Sunday, August 17, 2008

The One with Submitting Your Projects!
Friday, August 15, 2008
If you or someone you know is really creative, you/they need to get published! Check out to see what we're looking for. I'm most excited about our newest magazine - handmade. It's right up my alley! I may not scrapbook tons at home, but I'm always making things by hand. Here is some more information about handmade and the things we're looking to publish in the next issue:
February/March 2008 Call
We are now accepting submissions for hand-crafted items that are not necessarily made with scrapbooking supplies! This includes general craft and sewing projects. We also have some new sections:
Love is in the air – cards, gifts, treats, books, etc. for your friends or a special valentine.
Valentine's Day Décor – spruce up your living space with fun love-themed decorations.
Altered onesies & t-shirts – for babies, boys, and girls.
Bloom & Grow – anything and everything to do with flowers, from stamped florals to altered flower pots, from appliquéd roses to wall art, felt/ribbon flowers, and everything in between.
Font Fun – show us your coolest creation (altered book cover, artistic piece, card, bookmark, etc.) that puts the focus on interesting typography – use die cut letters, stickers, a printer, stamps, letterpress, wooden/metal letters, or whatever you'd like.
Framed – Fixed-up antique frames, framed pieces that you've made, decorated frames.
Deadline: 11:59pm (Mountain Time) on Monday September 15th, 2008
Please send submissions to
The One with White Water Rafting
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Honestly, I was more scared than I've ever been in my life. I was frantically flailing my arms trying to get above water but all I could feel was the raft above my head. I was stuck under water! Just when I was getting ready to breathe in icy cold water and sink into an untimely death, I emerged under the raft in between the seats. I screamed and asked someone, anyone, to find my shoe. I already lost one pair of cheap sandals this trip, I didn't want to lose one of my nice Pumas! luckily Jay found my shoe and Chris pulled me out from under the raft.
There are eight different rafting companies that take people on rides down the river. The company we went with today is the ONlY one that hasn't capsized a raft this season. Until today. But, our capsizing was intentional unlike all the others. The best part is we capsized on a size 1 rapid.
Before we tipped over I asked Carsten straight out, "Are we gonna tip over?" "No." liar!
Here are the Evans boys and Carsten heaving the raft onto the pile to head back to the start.
The One with the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone

The drive to Yellowstone took us right through Grand Teton National Park. The mountains are amazing! Everything is so flat and uninteresting and then WHAM! Sharp and jagged edged mountains come out of nowhere.