The One with the Moved Up Twilight Movie Release Date

Monday, August 18, 2008

Chris informed me last night (how did he find out before me!?!) that Summit Entertainment has decided to move up the release date of the Twilight movie from December 12th to November 21st. They claim it doesn't have anything to do with Harry Potter being pushed back to next summer (bummer!). So, I've updated my countdown widget and now I have three less weeks to wait.


  1. Really? Sweet! Thanks for letting me know! Wow right around Thanksgiving? Neat! So how are you? I am so excited to get away this weekend and next week! Yeah for Vacations! ha ha! Cya later!

  2. we are all ridiculously excited about that news! just... awesome. i am afraid we will all be let down by the movies. not sure how to feel about it. but still looking forward to the release!


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