The One with, "We Did It Again!"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Have you ever seen Home Alone 2, specifically the part when somehow their alarms don't go off and they wake up screaming, "WE DID IT AGAIN!" That's what I'm saying to myself right now.

I booked flights to Washington for Thanksgiving at a very reasonable price. Too good of price. Yep, I booked them for the wrong week. Are you kidding me? What is wrong with me? Do I not have eyes? Can I not read the little "Thanksgiving" clearly printed at the bottom of the 27th of my much-loved, much-needed, but not-helping-me-in-the-ways-it-should Franklin Covey planner? Obviously not! luckily I was able to change our flights for the right dates and we're good to go. So yay, we are going to Washington for Thanksgiving!


  1. I think it's the old "bait and switch" thing. . .

  2. YAY!! Hopefully I will be able to see you! Maybe I will stop by your house this time :o]

  3. Yay! So glad it all worked out, girl! ;)


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