The One with Photo Booth

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You know what's fun? Messing with Photo Booth on Macs. I'd forgotten just how hilarious some pictures turn out until I was browsing through my folders.Even my bird Jadis got in on the action one day. And since my brother is already goofy to begin with, you can imagine how much fun he had making faces for the camera. One of the first things he's going to do when he gets back from Mexico? Have a Jim...

The One with the Brain Teaser

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In Colorado we played a game of Cranium Wow. The teams were boys versus girls, except Nick was on the girl's team :) Anyways, one of the questions the boys got was: True or False, you can cut a cake into 8 pieces with three straight cuts.They guessed false after quickly trying to dissect a cake in their heads.The answer is true.And we were baffled.We spent 10 minutes trying to figure it out. I even...

The One with I'm Back...Sort Of

Monday, December 29, 2008

I need a vacation from vacation - it's hard to get back in the groove of things ya know? :) I'm still feeling pretty sick so I called the doctor this morning and they said, "We're full today, try calling back tomorrow at 9am." In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How rude!" Usually when I call they set me up for an appointment for a few days out. Why didn't they do that today? Weird. Whatevs.I'm finally...

The One with Christmas 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

It feels like ages since I've blogged, but really it's only been three days. I've been a little under the weather, but I'm in recovery mode now. Yesterday I discovered how much fun (and hard!) Guitar Hero is. I want one. Chris, his brothers and I had a fun time discovering our talents. Or lack thereof. Chris rockin' behind the back, woot woot!On Christmas Eve the Evans' invited some friends...

The One with Highlights of the Day

Monday, December 22, 2008

This morning, the Evans boys helped move some furniture from the barn into what will soon be Nick's room in their new house. The view from their house is spectacular. Kinda hard to tell in the photos, so you'll have to come to the open house some day. I was freezing my nubbins off so me and my smart nephew Drew hung out by the fire.And what's a day without a trip to Costco?We ate a delicious dinner...

The One with the Complete State Quarter Collection

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Last night when Chris was doing the laundry I asked him to keep an eye out for the Hawaii quarter - the very last one in the series. And he found it! So finally, after an entire decade (that's ten whole years!) of collecting them, we now have the complete state quarter set. It feels nice to have this small chapter of my life come to a close.Now the big question is, what to do with them?Chris could...

The One with the AC Christmas Party and Other Things

Not to be confused with the AC Designer Party. We just like having parties. Thursday night we all gathered together at the Country Club and celebrated a great year and said farewell to the original owners who are leaving next week to serve a year and a half church mission. The party was tons of fun. And the best part? I won a Sony Blu-Ray player. No joke. I have never won anything so nice in my life....

The One with the Calendar

Friday, December 19, 2008

This is the beautiful calendar that Jen designed for me. I love red and I love buttons so this pretty much rocks.Don't you wish you had one?...
Paige Taylor Evans © 2025 // Quinn Creatives DESIGN