Speaking of cool inventions, I'm pretty sure we're gonna get another couple hooked on LOST - another one of man's great inventions. Chelsie and Joseph stopped by tonight to borrow a movie, but we had other plans for them. We gave them a recommendation - a.k.a. - shoved LOST into their hands. I'll be darned if they don't become fans.
Speaking of fans, I'm my husband's #1 fan. He gave me the best Valentine's Day present today. You see, since my family is driving overnight, they'll be here early in the morning, which is when I usually clean house. Since I want to spend as much time with my family as possible, I was going to spend tonight night cleaning. Pretty fun Friday night activity eh? You can probably see where I'm going with this. I came home after work to a spotless, cages cleaned, vacuumed and smelly good house. Wow. He sure knows how to make me happy :) And how much did it cost? Not one cent. That's the best kind of present.
Speaking of presents...nevermind, I can't tie this one with my next thought. But, today was Friday the 13th. I have Triskaidekaphobia so I'm just glad nothing too tragic happened. There's another Friday the 13th in March. So until then...
That is pretty cool Paige! Wish I had something like that. :) P.S I am not one of them who is arguing which phone is better.