Chris' friend Art drove here from California to celebrate his 1/4 century birthday. We went to his parent's house at lunch for homemade burritos. Mmmmmm.
The best part about Art's house besides the burritos? His dogs! All three of them combined wouldn't equal one of Chris' poodles. But I love tiny dogs. This is a face only a mother could love. Poor Kobe (as in Kobe Bryant). I hope this picture makes it to Cute Overload some day. This doggie's my favorite. Such a poof ball. Nicky as in... Nicky... This is the newest addition - Magic, as in Magic Johnson. Attack of the wittle doggies! Dancin'! This photo reminds me of a joke. Knock knock. Who's there? Harry, Butch, Jimmy and Joe. Harry, Butch, Jimmy and Joe who? Harry up and Butch your arms around me and Jimmy a kiss before you Joe home! (It's a Tedderism). I just wanna take Nicky home with me. That's Art's sister Wendy sneaking in the photo. I guess she's known for doing that :) Art has a lot of people in his immediate family. This isn't even half of them. Funny story - we told one of Art's nieces that Chris' name was Christmas and she kept calling him that all night. Everybody loves Christmas!
Then we saw The Haunting in Connecticut. I didn't really get it. I probably won't buy it, which means something. But it was okay. 5 out of 10. Happy birthday Art!
ALL of those dogs are so cute. :) I love me some dogs. :) Happy Monday, Paige! Hope your weekend was good! Hugs!