Chris and I had to (I mean, got to) go to Salt Lake to pick up my mom from the airport yesterday morning so we decided we might as well do a session at the Salt Lake temple. I'd never been before and we try to go once a month and it just seemed like a good idea and so we did. We passed by the Conference Center on the walk to the temple.The Conference Center seats 21,000 people. That's a lot of people. I know I know I KNOW. But I can't help it. This temple took 40 years to build and was completed in 1853. It's so lovely inside, they've kept it pretty much the same all these years. We got there at 8:10 and the session didn't start until 9am. So for 40 minutes we sat and looked at pictures in the back of the Bible. Now we know. But it's all good. It was a great experience, I'm glad we went. Here's Chris in the elevator going back to the parking garage with our "token" validation. There is sooooo much construction going on downtown. I counted at least 10 cranes. What ARE they building? After we picked up my Malm from the port of air we met up with my aunt at Trolley Square, which was so depressing (not seeing my aunt, but seeing the state of the mall). We wanted Hard Rock Cafe for lunch but it's gone! It seemed like every store was out of business and there was also a lot of demolition/reconstruction going on. We ate at the Spaghetti Factory (which I had a coupon for but totally forgot I had until I was going through my wallet today. Oops.)
Then we dropped off my wedding ring to get spruced up and cleaned at my other aunt's jewelry store. It feels so weird not to have it on my finger. Then we did some other things, like saw Slumdog Millionaire. I liked it and the music so much I'm downloading it right now.
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