
2. For the past few months our 2-year-old mattress has been giving us back troubles. It's become increasingly unbearable these past few nights. You can literally see two huge crevasses where we sleep. Not good. Last Saturday on our way home from Salt Lake we stopped at the Denver Mattress Company and bought a new mattress. It's like sleeping on a cloud. It will be delivered sometime next week and I am fo-shizzaly counting down the days. I have resorted to sleeping on the couch until that blessed night.

3. I've decided to put things in my etsy shop: Page by Paige. I've had the shop for like a year but have never put anything on it. I haven't quite decided what my focus will be. I'm thinking it's just going to be a random conglomeration of things I've made since high school. Drawings, paintings, baskets, books, intaglio prints, photos, blog banners, etc. etc. etc.

4. I got an early birthday present from my Dald on Monday: a new keyboard for my laptop!

5. I heart palm trees.
6. I also heart evergreen trees.
Isn't it nice to have such varied terrain in the US of A?
And those are 6 things I'm looking forward to today.
I get to see Paramore (and No Doubt) next week, too! And we got our mattress at Denver Mattress almost 6 years ago and it still feels like a cloud!