When I was in junior high I took a photography class all three years from Ms. Adler. She was an interesting character, to put it mildly. I mean, when her yearbook picture is of a statue instead of the normal self portrait, you know something's up, right?
I tell ya, every year when we got our yearbooks, the first thing we would do was flip to Ms. Adler's picture to see what artwork she put as herself. But I did manage to find her picture elsewhere in my 7th grade yearbook:
I distinctly recall one particular day in photography class. The year was 1997. Ms. Adler kept going on and on about the song Times They Are A-Changin by Bob Dylan. (side note - I love the quality and sound of this video, it's very Dharma Initiative-esque)

"Times They Are A-Changin'" became the theme of our next photo assignment. I took pictures of leaves or something else equally kitsch. But now, whenever some big change happens to me or someone else I know, I always think of Ms. Adler and the day she couldn't stop singing, "Times they are a-changin!"
So here's our big "times they are a-changin" news - we're moving to California! Los Angeles to be exact. Pasadena to be precise (hopefully).
Because Chris got accepted to the University of Southern California (USC) School of Dentistry, class of 2013.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Chris and he dreamed of becoming a dentist. Seriously, since he was like five years old it was his desired occupation in life. A little weird if you ask me. Who LIKES going to the dentist as a child enough to want to be one? Fast forward 12 years, he got accepted early into BYU and peaced out of high school after Christmas break to pursue his dream.
A hop, skip and a jump later, plus a two-year break to serve a church mission to the Philippines, and an eternal marriage to the greatest person on the planet (tee hee!), we arrive at his 22nd birthday in 2007 when his parents gave him a DAT (Dental Admission Test) study guide. Talk about a fun gift! But he says that's what he wanted...
I didn't see Chris much last summer. He was consumed with studying and making flashcards. They took over our kitchen. Like a disease.
Applying to dental schools and taking the DAT is not cheap. I won't go into details, but let's just say there is a reason I've been working two full-time jobs. So when Chris applied to ten schools and I said, "I hope you only get one interview so we only have to buy one plane ticket and I hope you get in and I hope that's that," I wasn't really kidding.
The soonest schools started interviewing applicants for Fall 2009 entry was October 2008. Needless to say, it is a long process full of waiting and wondering. He got a couple rejection letters which really took the wind out of our sails. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt my feelings, and I'm not even the one who applied! We were pretty much convinced that we were going to be in Utah for at least another year. And I was fine with that. I'm happy in Provo. I love my jobs, I love my apartment, I love being close to both sets of my grandparents, one of Chris' brothers lives just down the street with our nephew and neice and another nephew cookin', my brother is coming back to BYU this fall, Chris's youngest brother is starting his first semester at BYU this fall, so on and so forth. P-Town is great!
For his Christmas present in 2008, Chris' parents gave him a coupon for one free flight to a dental school interview of his choice. We sort of laughed about it because we were kind of disheartened even though we had yet to hear back from a few schools.
We kept waiting. Patience is a virtue you know.
In early January 2009, a much-welcomed surprise came in the form of an email. It was an invitation from USC for Chris to come interview on January 29th. He quickly booked a flight using his Christmas coupon (thank you thank you thank you Tom and Margi!). It's funny because I was driving back FROM California after attending CHA at the exact same time Chris was flying TO California for the interview. We just missed each other.
Once in LA, Chris was picked up by one of his Colorado buddies who is a first year dental student at USC (small world!); his friend also drove him around and let him stay at his place for the night, which we appreciate very much.
The interview went great. It also didn't hurt that my Grandma Cathie's best friend's brother is a professor and dentist at USC. He graciously showed Chris around after the interview. The pool of interviewees said to expect to hear back at the earliest at the end of February.
And so we waited. Waiting is trendy in this process.
On the morning of Friday February 27th Chris got this email:
Good Afternoon,
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that you've been accepted to the University of Southern California, School of Dentistry for the Class of 2013. Let me be among the first to congratulate you on this achievement!
Our lives changed forever in that one email. In a good way. It's nice to know our future plans. Chris rescinded his application from the remaining schools since USC was a perfect option for us and now walks around with a permanent smile on his face.Times They Are Most Definitely A-Changin'
The End.
Congrats! When life gets too comfortable, you know a big change is in store. It happens over and over. Chris is so smart!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! California will be a blast. Isn't it funny how everything just works out in the end.
ReplyDeletethat is so exciting! congrats to you both!
ReplyDelete"Our son-in-law, the dentist". I've always wanted to say that! Congrats Chris!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! That's great! WOO WOO! But so sad for you to leave AC! :(
ReplyDeleteYea! Congrats to you both. I'm so excited for you. Pasadena is awesome!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I have to laugh though as "the end" is far from it! If you ever need spousal support, I am here for you. Between our experience and friends', we have determined that getting through law school and medical school as a couple will be one of the hardest things you'll do together. "A" and I are thinking we can handle anything at this point, so it the struggle is definitely worth it :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! What a huge accomplishment...California is great! I'm jealous!
ReplyDeleteWowee!!! That is awesome, Paige! Congratulations to Chris and to you! I think life adventures like that are so fun! I know it'll be fabulous and I'm so happy for you both! Yay! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations you guys! I've always heard that USC has a great dental school and I know Chris will do awesome there :)
ReplyDelete1. Congrats to Chris!!
ReplyDelete2. Yay for California
3. I definitely talked to someone about Ms. Adler the other day and they didn't believe me about how crazy she was!!
Hope to see you in July when Eric gets home!!
congratulations to chris!!!
ReplyDeletethat's an exciting move for both of you!
if you need any packing tips, just let me know ;)
Wow, that's great! Reading your post reminded me of my life just 9 months back. The process is stressful, hence the gray hairs, but great times a-comin'!