I have story with a miraculous ending.
Finding somewhere to live in California was....what's a good word to describe it...hell? Pardon my French. Good thing my mom was there to support me or I would have been a walking disaster. On my last post I mentioned that on Sunday we found the apartment of our dreams, only for it to be leased to someone who had looked at it just a few hours before me. Of course I naively hoped that something would happen and somehow, someway, it would become ours. Fat chance, I know.
We looked around at some other apartments, but nothing was exactly right. Too far away. Too expensive. Way too expensive. Way too far away. One place was on the outskirts of LA and man oh man it was niiiiiice. The best part (besides the amazing Chef's Kitchen which I probably wouldn't have taken advantage of anyways)? The view of the "Hollywood" sign perfectly framed and visible from the front yard. It's sorta visible right between the buildings in the center of this photo.
I called my dad, the man of wisdom, and asked his advice. I laid out our situation and started crying cuz I couldn't handle all the disappointment anymore. Basically it boiled down to we needed to keep searching.
We drove back to my aunt and uncle's in Thousand Oaks to return their car and take a nap before heading to the airport.
Naps are good for the soul.
About two minutes after we got into the car and seconds after my phone got a few reception bars (because they don't have coverage in their neck of the woods for some reason), my phone started ringing. It was the gal who'd been helping us find a place to live. I figured if it was something important she'd leave a message and I'd call back. I couldn't take anymore bad news.
Turns out it was the opposite of bad news.
In fact, it was the news that I'd been hoping without hope would come.
The lady who leased "my" apartment was canceling her lease for one reason or another, and I was next in line to snatch it up. It was a grueling five hours waiting until the confirmation text came that said the fax with the lady's cancellation signature had come through. But it did. We passed our credit check and tomorrow morning I'm overnighting my life's savings (kid you not) to secure this place for good.
It might not look like The Ritz-Carlton from the outside, but I'll say it again, don't judge an apartment by it's exterior. It's what you do on the inside that counts. I can't wait to turn it into our "home".

I wonder what the lesson is to be learned in all of this? Patience is a virtue? I don't really know, but I'm thanking my lucky stars everything worked out and we got the apartment of our dreams.
And they all lived happily ever after!
These are just a couple pics of LA as I was flying back to UT. One word: Beach.
In other random news, our car hit 77,777 miles today. Were we destined to be lucky today?
I think so. Because in addition to the apartment acquiring, I won a Scentsy candle burner on this awesome blog! I have one in the bathroom and it's heavenly. This one will go in the kitchen and scentsy-tize the other half of the apartment. Thanks Von!
Yea!!!!! You have to email me and tell me exactly where the apartment is. Have I told you that I LOVE LA! You guys are going to have so much fun seeing all the sights!
ReplyDeleteWe're glad that you were able to find somewhere that you're excited about. I hate apartment hunting! We miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteRemember the scripture that was on the little whiteboard in the "party" apartment in Pasadena? It's one of my faves and eerily appropriate for what you just went through. Proverbs 3:5-6. You should already know it but look it up anyway.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you are excited about winning!! I can't wait to meet you IRL. I think that you are fantastic!!
ReplyDeleteThat's so cool, although I love raising a family in Utah, there's just something about California I love too, yeah, it's the beaches! Excited for you!
ReplyDeleteYou came through as always! Love ya!
ReplyDeletei'm glad you found an apartment! and thanks for calling me yesterday! i'm excited that you'll be coming into the ward and that we'll be in the same boat with school. when are you guys moving in for sure? august 1? we'll have to round up some people to help you move in when you get here. oh and here's my blog: brianandveronicamiller.blogspot.com let's keep in touch!
ReplyDeleteI think the apartment looks great on the outside as well as the inside! I can't wait to see it in person. Love, Mom Evans
ReplyDeletewoohoo, welcome to cali :) You'll love it here! Cute place.
ReplyDeleteThat's great!