The One with the Lesson of the Day

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lesson of the day for livin' in Southern California: the groups of men outside of Home Depot who flag you down like you're a taxi driver don't need to borrow a cell phone or anything, they're just looking for work. I learned this the hard way and rolled down my window and asked, "Do you need something?"
"You need help? Something, anything for us to do?"
"Nope. I'm good. Sorry. Thanks."
Then I sped off and tried not to look anyone else in the eye.


  1. ha, ha, ha!!! Being from AZ I know this ALL too well! Just dont drive a truck! They will jump in the back if you are going too slow!

  2. You are so sweet to stop and see if they needed help. You must have been taught how to be compassionate and service-oriented. Watch out! You'll be the next compassionate service leader in your ward!

  3. when we moved to pasadena we hired two guys from the home depot parking lot to help us move :) they are SUPER quick and very handy...and we only paid them $35/each for 90 minutes of work. highly recommended for the future!

  4. LOL - that is so sweet of you! I guess I have never thought twice about it!

  5. Hi Paige! I meant to comment on your blog sooner, but obviously haven't until now.
    Congrats on the move to Cali! I bet it's way different than Utah, but you lived in California before Redmond, right?
    That's funny about the guys in front of Home Depot. They actually do that at the Redmond one too! My cousin gets workers from the front of Home Depot all the time! Haha!

  6. LOL! Ha ha so funny. You are such a sweetie.

  7. Ahhh...welcome to Cali... where the unemployment rate is 12% and growing.

  8. They do this at the Woodinville/Bothell Home Depot too... eh, not so fun to drive past them

  9. Oh, goodness! Well, good luck in the future. :)


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