The One with This is Why I'm Worried

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"LOS ANGELES – A wildfire in the mountains above Los Angeles has surged in every direction, going in a single day from a modest threat to a danger to some 10,000 homes. The blaze nearly tripled in size in triple-digit heat Saturday, leaving three people burned, destroying at least three homes and forcing the evacuation of 1,000 homes and an untold number of people.

A slight drop in temperatures and an influx of fire crews from around the state were expected to bring some relief Sunday.

Mandatory evacuations were in effect for neighborhoods in Altadena, Glendale, PASADENA, La Crescenta and Big Tujunga Canyon.

The flames crept down the slopes of the San Gabriel Mountains despite mild winds blowing predominantly in the other direction.

'Today what happened is what I call the perfect storm of fuels, weather, and topography coming together,' said Captain Mike Dietrich, the incident commander for the U.S. Forest Service. 'Essentially the fire burned at will; it went where it wanted to when it wanted to.'

Dietrich said he had never seen a fire grow so quickly without powerful Santa Ana winds to push it.

At least three homes deep in the Angeles National Forest were destroyed, and firefighters were searching for others, Dietrich said. Evacuation centers were set up at two high schools and an elementary school in the area.

The fire is the largest and most dangerous of several burning around southern and central California and in Yosemite National Park."

I can't see the sky today. There's smoke everywhere.
I'm shakin' in my boots a li'l...

Wanna see something amazing? Here is the contrast on my back between my burn and my normal flesh color.

It's getting better every day though. It's to the itchy scratchy stage now. Lesson learned: wear sunscreen.


  1. Holy smokes...your back!! That looks like it hurts!!

  2. You'll only really need to worry about your house burning down after Chris has been a dentist for a few years and you live in a luxury home in the hills. But for now, you only need to worry about a sunburn on your back. Ouch!

  3. three things,

    Hawaiian Tropics makes excellent (easily absorbed) aloe WITH lidocane; GET SOME! I am hurting and mildly disturbed by the colors on you!

    The fire is freaky, deaky stuff. I will be sending many prayers your way.

    Can you change the blog address for "L" & "A" to just "L" and it's at


  4. I'm scared for you... I can't decide what's worse though, the posible burn coming, or the burn you already have... YIKES!!!

  5. OUCH! That burn is awful, girl! Praying for you and those fires! That has to be scary! Thinking good thoughts and hoping they can contain it and put an end to it! More hugs!!

  6. omg. those fires are scary. we are visiting family in san diego right now and were supposed to go up to la tomorrow.... i am second guessing that now.....
    but the REALLY scary part is that burn!!!!! i cannot believe how bad that is. yikes! :)

  7. peggy, thats one crazy sunburn! hope you feel better soon!

  8. lol. before the fire got to you it would have to burn like 20 miles of straight concrete and houses. don't worry! you'll be ok! it's just summer in so are getting acclimated!

    and sweeeet pic of the back :( ouch!

  9. You just gots to get used to the fires. My parents house is right off the 241 tollroad next to that big wildlife preserve area. There house has amlost burnt down like 3 times. The last time, they were evacuated and their neighbors houses burned some. It's pretty crazy, but exciting. You just wait till the earthquakes! Seriously though, they're not that bad. Not as bad as that sunburn anyways! Man oh man. That is harsh. My Dad had skin cancer. Wear sunscreen. Lecture over.

  10. HOLY COW, Paige! That looks SO bad!! Tip: don't PEEL it! I peeled mine as it was peeling, and it was a BAD idea. Made it hurt SO much worse! Did you get that cream? Seriously, makes it feel SO much better. Good luck with that.

    And don't worry about the fires. It will be okay. :) I'll keep you guys in my prayers!

  11. Ouch! Everytime I try writing on your blog it doesnt work. And i try again. I might just be posting like 10 times and not realize. ha!

  12. We've been thinking about guys as we've watched the news...Take care! And your poor back, I'm so sorry.


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