The One with Moxy Crochet

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I wish I knew how to crochet. Then I could make things like these fabulous pillows, blankets, and accessories from Moxy Crochet. And my life would be complete.


  1. I'm with you on that one. I'd love to learn too.

  2. Soooo you didn't know that I was following along!

    And now you are scared that I am stalking you. Sorry. Don't be scared. I'm a friend of the Evans.

    And I have an ugly - really ugly - blogging award for you over at my place.

    Stop on by and pick it up!

  3. WHAT? I wish I knew!! That is one thing I can help you with, after all the scrapbooking supplies and advice you have given me. I'm no expert, but I can keep up with most things I've tried. Well next time your around (if ever) I'll teach you the tricks! And btw, I thought of you when I saw that gecko!! You would have loved it. And I think of you during those chinchilla commercials. I think of a lot!

  4. Oh, how these make me smile. I may need one...


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