The One with Remembering 9/11

Friday, September 11, 2009

Doesn't this picture just make you sick to your stomach? Every time I see it I get the same nervous feeling in my gut.How has it been eight years since that dreadful day? I can still remember it as if it were yesterday. It was about 7am and I was driving in my Mazda RX-7 from the chapel where I attended early morning seminary to Eastlake High School in Samammish, WA. I was listening to KISS 106.1 on the radio and that's when I heard about what was happening. It didn't quite make sense, all the DJs were talking over each other. At school we were all rushed into our homeroom/advisory where we watched live footage on the TV for awhile. Then they dismissed us to class and I still had to take a math test. No mercy from the teachers...

I saved about two weeks worth of Seattle Times newspapers after 9/11 and they're stored in plastic bins up in the attic in Redmond. They're getting yellower every day from the acidity, but I figure some day they'll be worth taking out and reading cover to cover. I'm so glad nothing this terrible has happened again since 9/11/01. I'm thankful for all the firefighters and people that helped save lives that day, and my heart goes out to all the families and friends of those who were lost.


  1. This was a nice remembrance, Paige. I was in math class too... in college. I remember feeling very confused as to what was happening. And I don't remember any math going on that day. I'm pretty sure we watched TV the whole time. We watched the towers fall, and it was horrible. It was such a surreal feeling... like it wasn't really happening. Very strange. Like a dream or a movie. Every time I see a photo of the towers, I feel sick to my stomach too. *sigh*

    Thank you again for the thoughts and remembrance. :)

  2. That was a very, very sad day. I've never seen so many adults cry as I did on that day and in the days to follow.

  3. Thats a good post! Thanks for putting that on there..I was in high school as well...that is sooooo crazy! My parents are actually in New York NY right now!! And they saw the memorial they did! crazy

  4. half my teachers wouldn't let us watch the news or even talk about it that lame. i loved the classes where we COULD talk about what we were seeing and feeling. silly teachers.

    thanks for sharing...i like hearing where everyone was that day.

  5. I am also so thankful to all the people in the armed forces who have sacrificed so much so something like this hasn't happened again.

    We were watching the footage of it on the History Channel last night. I can't believe some people have forgetten this day and what it meant. I will never forget.


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