The One with Paige = The New Pam Beasley

Monday, October 5, 2009

I started a new job today. I'm thankful to have even found a job in California. The 12% and growing unemployment rate is no joke. I think I applied to at least 15 different places ranging from Costco to a high school art teacher to a handbag designer. I heard back from zero of them. Then I applied to Target as a fallback option. They denied me! And I've even worked there before! Not gonna lie though, I probably could have called the places I applied to and pushed a little harder, but it's been sooooo nice relaxing at home all day every day... It was good while it lasted. Aaaand it's not like I haven't been doing anything, I still work from home doing Scrapbook Trends stuff.

A few weeks ago the Relief Society President came over to introduce herself and asked if I had a job. Nope, but I'm looking. She knew of something part time and I said perfect. I didn't hear anything between the time she visited until last Friday when I got a phone call for an interview that same morning. A few hours later, I found myself (gratefully) employed. It all happened so fast! I am now the afternoon shift Pam Beasley (in case you don't watch The Office, that means I'm the receptionist) of RBJ software. Not telling you which branch though cuz I don't want no stalkers :)

Here are my legs in the car on the way to my first day of work.One wall of my "office" is completely made of windows. I get to see pretty views and people watch!My shared desk. So reminds me of The Office.
I answer phones and try and decipher what the person on the other end is saying to me. I make hasty notes and transfer the call to the correct person.Plus I get to watch the sun set M-F."Thank you for calling RBJ Software, this is Paige, how may I help you?"


  1. I hope you love your new job, Pam. Er, I mean Paige!

  2. You're the cutest receptionist ever!

  3. love the new layout! you are the perfect Pam Beasley...aside from the great fashion sense you have, and the well kept hair. But you know, otherwise you're practically twins :)

  4. yay for a job! As for your question on my blog... I have thus far stayed super busy with family but I desperatly need a job! I am starting to get bored! So I am glad you have something to cure your boredom! And I say get the puppy! Dogs are so fun!

  5. Yay! That's great. Welcome to the Receptionist club :) Understanding the person on the other line gets easier... Trust me! Good luck!

  6. check you out girl. congrats on the new job. hope your boss is not like michael!! (on second thought...that might make for some very interesting stories!) : )

  7. YAY! for finding a job over there in Cali. So I had my self a Wisconsin cheese soup filled bread bowl from Apple Spice yesterday and I thought of you for some reason.

  8. Yea! for offices! I work at a restaurant still and miss offices a little bit. Jobs are hard to find for sure these days!

  9. ha ha congrats Paige! That like fell into your lap!! AWESOME!! Hope the people are friendly to ya!

  10. Yeah, Congrats! That sounds like it will be a great job.

  11. Wow, you're amazing! My uncle and cousin have both been unemployed for TWO years in CA! I think my uncle did find a job, starting this week, and my cousin has an interview. GAH! It's safe to say that you're pretty much amazing! ;-)

    I want to hear all about it!


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