The One with Farewell Frank Jr.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

One of my zebra finches, the male, Frank Jr., passed away last night. I'm terribly sad. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep last night was Frank Jr. and Alice snuggled together on their perch. Then this morning I went to feed them and there he was at the bottom of the cage. It's always hard losing a pet.
Out of all our animals, I've actually had this pair of zebra finches the longest. When I first found out that I got the job as an Editorial Assistant at Scrapbook Trends, I was so happy that I went and bought myself birds. Great present right? That was back in October of 2005, so I've had these little guys for just over four years.
I feel sooooooooooo bad for the remaining female finch, Alice. But I can't go and get her another companion, otherwise I'll just have a cycle of birds for the rest of my life. Aaaand, I just printed all our Christmas cards that list all our pets and now I feel like I have to go re-print them all. I won't, but now my Christmas cards are lies!
Frank Jr. and Alice did everything together. They ate together, snuggled together, preened each other, took baths in their water dish together, chirped together, hopped together. And now she's all alone.
Zebra finches can live up to eight years or so. I don't know how old this pair was when I got them. But Frank Jr. had been looking a little disheveled the past few months. I hope that Alice is okay and gets by for the remainder of her time.

RIP Frank Jr., you were a good bird.


  1. Rest in peace, little guy. We'll miss you.

  2. Awh.. This makes me so sad, honestly. I love my dogs and cannot imagine our lives without them. I hope that you find peace today and that Alice does well.

  3. Hugs, Paige.
    So sorry about Frank Jr.
    It sucks losing a pet. :(
    More hugs to you!!!

  4. That's so sad, Paige. That bird was lucky to have you. I hope your day improves.

  5. I am sooo sorry for your loss! It is extremely tough losing a pet. They are so much more than and animal, they are a friend. I remember how aweful it was when our bird died. I hope Alice manages alright without her mate!

  6. Sorry Paige, it's hard losing a pet. :(

  7. oh i'm so sorry paige. so sad. thinking of you.

  8. a good AND beautiful pet...I am sorry for the loss and for Alice.

  9. that is a bad way to start off the day. i'm sorry. huge bummer.

  10. For my second comment of the day I would like to share a lightbulb moment with you. While discussing your pets with Kyle (he's in love with the breed of dog you happen to own) and the awesomeness that is your Friends naming conventions, I realized that Alice and Frank Jr. were part of it. I never even noticed! The whole thing is totally sad because they were my favorite characters. You rock, Paige.

  11. awh, i'm so sorry paige. i will keep your in my prayers.

  12. Thinking of you.. sorry to hear about your little Frank Jr.. : (

  13. Oh Paige, I am so sorry for your loss. They were such a cute pair.

  14. I'm so sorry! It's so tough when a pet dies. I hate that feeling!

    Sorry I didn't post earlier. A good friend's brother passed away the same day, so I was not myself. I'm sorry. Hugs to you, and I hope you've found things to be happy about this past week. :-)


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