The One with the 600th Post Handmade Giveaway!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I really really really enjoyed doing a giveaway on my 500th blog post and figure I'll keep up the tradition every 100 posts - so about every 3.5 months. Sound good? Good. Sweet beans.
Up for grabs to one lucky winner:
1) A t-shirt embellished with felt. Very similar to the one I showed here a couple weeks ago, but this one is not on a striped shirt and the tree is made out of brown felt instead of screenprinted on.

I actually used my sewing machine on fabric for the very first time! And decided I like sewing on paper much better :)

The shirt is a size small from American Apparel. I'll be honest, it's a tight squeeze. But beauty is pain right?!?!

2) Next, a super versatile handmade fabric flower.

The layers include tulle (eee!), fabric, a piece of leftover lace from my wedding dress, felt, and a pre-made flower embellishment. You can wear it in your hair, clip it on your clothes, or pin it on your purse.

It's large and in charge.

3) A love frame. Perfect for year round decor.

This is the frame I made for the Feb/Mar issue of Simply Handmade, so it's, like, famous :)

4) A gaggle of my very favorite cards:

5) The four February issues of Northridge Media magazines: Scrapbook Trends, Bead Trends, Simply Handmade, and CARDS.

Full to the brim of ideas for making your very own handmade creations.
6) The entire collection of I Heart You paper by American Crafts. 24 sheets of lovely goodness. It's a little too late to make Valentine's, but you can always scrapbook your holiday pictures and start making cards for next year!

7) And finally, an original PaigeBook. This is a linkstitch binding made with clear acrylic covers and an assortment of scrapbook and handmade papers for the pages. It's 4 x 6" so you can use it to store photos, keep notes and inspiration, or just put it on a shelf and look at like I do with 99% of the books I make.

If the winner wants me to put a sticker title on the front, I can totally do that.

The rules: Leave a comment on this post telling me what your plans are for Valentine's Day (keep it PG rated please :) and I'll randomly select one person at 8am Pacific Time on Tuesday February 16th and post the winner shortly thereafter. Good luck, may the force be with you. Or something.


  1. Well, I live in MN and there is snow expected on Valentines Day so I imagine we will be inside looking out...maybe snuggled in a blanket with a good movie and some lit candles.

  2. wow you're so creative! since V-day is Sunday this year we'll probably just go to church and have a nice dinner. we're going to celebrate on Saturday. :)

  3. For Valentine's/both our birthdays, we bought tickets to Wicked, so we will be in for Valentine's Day, but we'll be celebrating in March when Broadway comes to town!

  4. Oh, how I love all you stuff! You are so creative.

    Jason is planning this year's events, but I know he is making a fantastic dinner. Nothing more romantic & sexy than a guy cooking dinner.

  5. Your blog commentary is such a hoot! I love stopping over here to read...of course, all the lovely creations are inspiring too!

    I have two monsters, so Valentine's is a kid thing in our house these days! Current plans are to spend the day together and I am hoping to sneak in a movie for the entire family! Mixed with some chocolate and love, it should be a lot of quality time! :)

  6. Wow Paige amazing stuff! So exciting. Right now we still don't have plans. One of my blog friends and her husband are eating lunch with us but that's all we have so far. We'll get it together soon!

  7. Are you serious!!! How awesome!!! Well, we have a 2 year old. Our plan is to go out for dinner, early, all three of us. Movie and some alone time later at home :)

  8. If only I could be so talented.

    I must win.

    Let's talk plans.

    We are keeping the tradition going from last year of Paul taking all his girls out...that means my BFF who doesn't have a boyfriend living near enough to do so. We will be going to that new Valentine's movie, dinner, and I will probably make him buy something for our baby!!

  9. such amazing stuff, Paige! I just love it all.
    As far as Valentine's plans, we don't have any yet. I imagine we'll spend it at home with our family with a nice dinner and maybe a movie. We're not big on planning stuff for Valentine's Day.

  10. The Aquarium to see the fishes and think tropical thoughts.

  11. WOW! Congrats on your 600th post! It would be awesome to have some Paige made items :)

    For Valentines day we are going into the city! WOO HOO, a date with my hubs! Can't wait!!

  12. We are celebrating on Saturday this year, easier day to get a babysitter :) We are going to dinner at The Melting Pot (yum yum yum!) and then staying at the Heathman Hotel in downtown Kirkland. We got a very lovely suite and we're going to spend a romantic night together, which rarely ever happens so it should be fantastic!

  13. Paige! Congrats!! Love all your hand-made. They are Supper adore! MY Bf and I plan to go to Disneyland where was our first met! and going to have a dinner for sure..haha~ how about yours? I would like to hear that~!

  14. EEK! I am loving every.single.thing...especially the rainbow PaigeBook - ahhh, so beautiful! You should sell these tree shirts on your Etsy shop...I LOVE THEM! For Valentines Day, I am working ( get the drift!) but hopefully we'll have a little early celebration tonight...maybe a dinner out or a movie in...or both?! That is what I am hoping! =) Hmm, what else? OH yes, well, I adore your blog and hope that you continue updating it for another 600..million posts! =)

  15. ha ha Paige, I bet my 4 year old would look awesome in that tee;). How did you make that little book? it is wondef=rful and I have never seen that technique before...have I been under a rock?

  16. So creative on so many levels. Love the tee! Will be spending Valentine's with the kids this year as hubby won't be home from work. We will do something special when he does get here though :O)

  17. oooo so cute!! i want the paige book! im crossin my fingers for a big win!

  18. Oh Paige, you are just too cute! Kyle's parents are going to be in town, so we will probably just have a nice dinner at home with them. (I already gave Kyle his present, we went to the Jazz/Clippers game a couple of days ago)

  19. Your blog is so much inspiration!
    I'm gonna eat some cake and celebrate me, my father and my brother who all have birthdays the coming week. :)

  20. oh my fun.. always love reading your blog and what you are creating and lots of pics to look at..
    This Valentines day.. not much.. we will got out Saturday night to dinner as a family and I'll get the kids a special treat, one for hubby too.. other than that, maybe watch a good movie with hubby when the kids are in bed

  21. Wow---GREAT giveaway:)

    My husband and I are worship leaders at our church--so on Vday, we will be leading...and then resting because it is a Sunday (love afternoon naps!). I bet he will take me to dinner and then just hang out. I love that we never have to really "do" anything for vday--we can share our love and do things all year! As for gifts...I've made him several cards to share all week.

    Thanks again for a great great great giveaway:) LOVE it:)

  22. I'm going home for Valentine's Day! Yippeeee!!!!!

  23. After church we are going to BBQ Shish Kabob (I really want to cut the red bell peppers into hearts for the occasion too)!

  24. I'm going home to visit my family and do our very first boutique with our new business! I'm so excited! And I am very excited about your giveaway! I'm pretty much drooling over that book! :)

  25. My husband and I are having date night for Valentines on Saturday. We are going to eat at Abuelo's and probably to see a movie.

    On Valentines we will go to church and snuggle together for our Sunday afternoon nap!

    Cool things you make and give away! I love your blog and creativity! Thanks!

  26. woo-whoooo! I was waiting for this one! yay!!! Well...for v-day..... I will be working all weekend so....chris and I will be celebrating by watching my students perform : )

  27. YEAH!! Okay this is probably going to make you laugh, but we are driving home from Colorado on V-day and since 8 hours in the car is no way to celebrate, I have been working on a project. I have cut out 100 hearts and wrote little inside jokes or memories on them and put them in a jar. Every time Cora snorts (which is A LOT) or gurgles (AGAIN A LOT)or coos we will pick a heart out and laugh or reminisce about it...what do you think? Too cheesy?

  28. Probably just dinner with my hubs and our babe! My little girl just came down with a nasty contagious bug and we've quarantined ourselves. :(

    I LOVE that book! I really want to learn how to do that!

    You probably don't remember me but we were actually in the same freshman ward at BYU. I lived in 104 and my roommates and I used to borrow your X-Files collection! :) I love your blog!

  29. Hurray! Wow, my google reader must be slow- I've been checking all day for your 600th post.

    V-Day plans... I'm so excited! It's on Sunday so Evan is getting up & making me breakfast, we're going to church & watching the nursery kids---I need to think of something fun for them to do--- after church we're swapping massages- that's still pg right? I got some nice oil from Bath & Body works-- which is good because my back, neck & feet are killing me... Then I'm making him a gourmet dinner & we're going to watch a movie & snuggle :)

  30. So pretty much I need that book! So cute :)
    So excited for this giveaway!
    My plans on V-Day include going to a toga party for a little pre-celebration. Then making cupcakes with my cute little cousins!

  31. We're going to seattle for my old roommate kate's wedding! And that means I get to see Meredith too! So excited!!!

  32. We're actually having the missionaries over :) (no one had signed up so we did) We're having all heart shaped foods for dinner and heart shaped red velvet cupcakes for dessert.

  33. Hmmm... we are going Cross Country Skiing. Not on the big day, but the day before. The actual day - snugglin after church.

  34. What an awesome giveaway, I'm most excited about the book you made, I wish I could bookbind like that! And the shirt is my size :)

    For valentine's, my boyfriend is taking me out to fancy lunch and then to the movies! I'm so excited!

  35. ooh yay! this is far too good to pass up. i'm having the least romantic v-day EVER -- spending it in rancho for my little bro's mission farewell. but YAY for california! :)

  36. Adorable shirt! Awesome book!! And everything else is gorgeous too. And I'm only 4'11", so the shirt would probably fit me fine. :)

    We're going to see the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's performance of Moulin Rouge for Valentine's day. I'm so excited!!!!

    Happy Valentine's day!!

  37. wow! what a prize pack!
    no set plans for valentines day yet - but i think - crepes with strawberries for brunch, maybe a visit to the local castle/museum
    and out for dinner...?
    it's not a major day for us, our anniversary is 2 weeks from now, so valentines day gets a little skipped over.

  38. Hi Paige- Your blog is so much fun! It's my first time checking it out- lots of inspiring stuff :)

  39. Happy 600th post! No Valentine's Day plans as of yet...the bf better get started!!

  40. Soooo glad you asked seeing as though this is the first year for a while that we are actually doing something!!! Nate is being babysat by Gran and Gramps and we are doing a kayak down the beautiful Brisbane River at night, there is a company here in Brisbane that run these organised kayaks and they finish it off with Prawns and Beer! We are then going to see a movie at Gold Class!!! Can't wait some QT time with my gorgeous husband xx

  41. Hmm...

    First I want to go to church, then I want to go ice skating, then I want to eat soup (probably at home...), then I want us to bake a cake together... because we love baking together, then I want to take the dogs for a walk, then I want to cuddle up and maybe watch The Notebook. Or maybe we'll just go to sleep early because that's a long day of wonderfulness. :-)

    That's a good day. :-) Both of us have the WHOLE day off, so we're stoked!

    Oh, please, oh, please pick me! :-D

  42. What cute stuff!! For Valentine's Day we're going out to eat (Dan is so excited to try out a new salad bar) and then to the only photo booth in town to take photos (hmmm... wonder who's choice that activity was!)

  43. Woo Hoo - what a lovely giveaway! Sweet hubby is cooking dinner & dessert for romantic Valentine's Day at home - just us and the puppies!

  44. Congratulations on your 600th post! The giveaways are gorgeous!

    Okay, Valentines Day - we are heading for Glasgow on Saturday morning and going to see Strictly Come Dancing Live (your equivilant of Dancing With The Stars) - SO excited!!! We're staying in the Malmaison Hotel (which is a converted Greek Orthodox Church - so beautiful) and waking up there on Valentines morning to a champagne breakfast...can't wait.

    Have a lovely Valentine's Day whatever you have planned. xx

  45. Such a beautiful giveaway! I'm new to your blog (I've only been following for a couple of weeks) and I LOVE it!

    My sweet husband is planning a getaway to a surprise location. Super excited!

  46. My husband and I are going to Pittsburgh this Valentine's Day with my brother and his girlfriend. We spent last V-Day apart, so I'm really looking forward to this whole day together. I believe we're getting breakfast and dinner in the city and probably doing some shopping (hopefully at Ikea!)

  47. Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me because my V-Day will be the most exciting ever! I will go to meetings and then more meetings and then I will share a romantic evening with my boys AND 15 and 18 year old boys. Are you jealous yet????

  48. What a giveaway! My husband is studying for the bar, which cuts into my valentine's day plans a bit! So I think I'll be on the receiving end of some flowers and chocolate, and we'll exchange sweet nothings in each other's ears. That's the plan at least!

  49. Get out of town! You are SOOO generous Paige and I'm getting a little misty-eyed over your fabby rainbow handmade book! For V-day we always make a LOVE-ly breakfast for the kids with heart shaped pancakes and this year we're having chocolate covered strawberries - but shhhh- it's a secret! :)

  50. We're going to church, and then we'll probably have a nice dinner that night!

  51. Since Valentines day coincide with Chinese New year this year, I would be with my group of closest friends squeezing our way thru the million of ppl there in Chinatown at the very first min of that day. After which during the day, I will be spending it with my family eating chinese goodies.

    ps: you are so talented with all the things you do.. love your stuffs..

  52. Valentine's day.... hmmm... not too much planned with the little one running around but probably some romantic dinner and church. since it's sunday... haha

    hope the random pick is me!

  53. I love everything! That shirt is too stinkin' cute, and it looks like my size! ;) My family and I are going on vacation and delivery Valentine's cards to St. Jude's hospital and we will be meeting first time, going to church and having lunch with some blog friends. Not sure about the evening yet, we will see! :)

  54. Your creative talents are amazing!! And I love the jeans you are wearing in the picture with the gorgeous flower. If you dont mind my asking, who makes them?

    My boyfriend and I are taking the dog and heading down to Portland, OR area to see his parents for a couple days. Then on Valentines day we are packing up and heading out to the coast to spend the day walking the beaches and a nice night in a hotel near the ocean. =) How about you....what are your plans for Valentines day?

  55. wow, you're blog has blown up lady! seriously popular :) Anyways, my plans include showing up at a special someone's place and having him tell me what's going on. The ball is in his court!!!

  56. Just LOVE your blog, it is so inspirational to me. Our plans hopefully include sleeping past 7am and snuggling with our 1 and 3 year old daughters! I have already created my hubby's valentines day card so my big plan is to give it to him!

  57. Hey Jennifer - my jeans are from GAP, purchased about two years ago :)

  58. What an amazing giveaway!!!! So... considering we have two kids and Todd is working all weekend at the Indy Greek Intervarsity Conference... we will prob make dinner together after the kids are in bed! I like at-home date nights the best! :)

  59. So fun...I love it all! On Valentines day we are having a late lunch at my favorite mexcian food resturant in Coronado. Then we are going to have dessert on the beach and watch the sunset. I'm SO excited!

  60. hihi paige :) ... just discovered ur blog lately and fell in love with it immediately :) ... you are sooo creative~ :)

    im from sunny singapore ... and this year ... vday falls on the first day of chinese new year ... so will be spending my vday with my husband doin visitations to relatives' homes for chinese new year :) ... and hopefully we'll get some couple time after tat :) ... had earlier given him a stack of vday coupons tat i made specially for him with mi newly learned scrapbookin skills :)

    hope you have a lovely and sweet vday with chris :)

  61. Valentine's Day coincides with Chinese New year, so we'll be having some friends over and eating homemade dumplings!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  62. I totally want that book and the I Heart You paper because, even though I helped design it, I still don't have any! Ahhh! And I want to squeeze my fat body into that shirt! And your cards! I love it all.

    I'm going to church on V-day! What else would I do?! So romantic, I know.

  63. I get to go to Salt Lake to visit my family. I love your stuff. That book is just adorable!

  64. I`ll enjoy time with my little family - if there is still this much snow we`ll build a huge snowman (or a snow family) for our little girl.

  65. WOWZERS!!
    First off Congrats on the 600th!!
    Second How Fun, love the book, and I just a really cute stencil at Target in the $1 section that would look so cute with the SB Paper;}
    and last but certainly not least, I am going to be low key for Vday, movie at home with take out!
    Thank you so much for the opprotunity!

  66. Oh wow what a huge generous giveaway.
    We are going to try and go to a movie, quite a feat when we live 1.5 hrs from a cinema and have a 1 & 3 year old.
    But a nice dinner and movie is what we are aiming for, alone time...

  67. Oh wow, your stuffs are very very gorgeous! Shabby chic!
    This valentine I would probably cook for my hubby (i'm not used to cooking so hubby would be surprised - i hope). And then we will have a romantic movie night with store-bought ice creams and chocolate wafers (yum!) and then I will get a foot massage from him (i hope) ;p

    yuri.kristi at gmail dotcom

  68. Wow, girlie! That is some giveaway!! :-D Happy 600th post to you! Love it all! You are so cute! ;) Our Valentine's Day plans are simple - eating out at our favorite Mexican restaurant and just hanging out at home, probably watching a movie or two. Just simple and sweet. The way I love it. ;) Hugs!!

  69. I'm not sure, I hope hubby will come up with something nice! Maybe dinner or something.

  70. We'll probably just hang out at home; we don't celebrate Valentine's Day.

    BUT! I loooove that shirt!!! It's so me!!

    Things I really, really, really like about you (and I've only just found this blog!):

    - Your name is Paige (my middle name is Paige)
    - You have a shiba inu (we had one that looked just like that!)
    - You're crafty (nothing's better)
    - that shirt (I want it!)
    - You have my style (the moccasins, the faded jeans...oh, all of it! :D )

    And, of course, that was all in the first 10 seconds. Imagine how much more I'll love this blog after just a few days!!

    Totally, 100% following!

    xoxo, Hannah

  71. Wow, look at all that yumminess! On Valentine's day first off we will send home 4 kids from a birthday party sleepover, then I'll do some laundry and crafting and finally hubby and I are going out for dinner - yum!

  72. Amazing :) I think I'm going to a club but Im not sure yet


  73. We're going out to celebrate Chinese New Year. :-)

  74. I wish I could say that I actually had plans for valentine's day. But we sort of opted out because we don't have money to buy each other gifts and we don't want to spend money to go out to eat. I think I'll try and make something but who knows if that will get done. :( Please don't feel bad.

    Oh I love your giveaway too! :)

  75. Ha! I plan on spending the very first night at our new flat - the first flat my hubby and I will live in together!! After almsot 9 years! Whew.. Can't wait till it's finished, but that will take another 2 weeks, I guess *gg* Anyway, our first night there! <3
    Btw, LOVE the fabric flower thingie and the last book! Awesome work! :)

  76. I'm here in Denver and it's supposed to be cold and snowy. Outside of church, I think we'll be watching our newest Netflix movies inside where it's warm. Preferably with lots of blankets, hot chocolate, and a nice fire. Valentine's day is also my birthday, so maybe there will be some cake and candles, too. We're going out with friends tonight to celebrate. (Colorado FINALLY has a Cafe Rio - Hallelujah!)

  77. Hi Paige! For Valentine's Day we are just playing it low key and heading out to a newly opened Crab house. I am pretty excited about it though :)

  78. As of yet no plans. Maybe Nate will surprise me with something super romantic. Ha.

    I absolutely love your work. You're so talented!

  79. We're pretty boring when it comes to Valentines day. But since this VDAY ends up being on a Sunday, I'm planning on making a turkey dinner for my better half and brother. And Rufus will enjoy some turkey gravy on his dinner, of course!

  80. sadly i dont have plans for valentines day.
    ill probably bake the bay away and watch love story and annie hall over and over.


  81. we are th parents to 4 young boys. we will spending valentines day, together as a family. we will have fun treats & a fun valentine dinner.

    happy love day to you & yours!

  82. This is like the best giveaway ever! For Valentine's I won't be doing much, because I don't actually have a Valentine.

  83. We are going to go to church, I am making a nice dinner and dessert, we are then watching Lost Season 5, we are trying to get caught up. I love the idea of a giveaway, you are so creative.

  84. After throwing a valentines party for my kiddos I'm exhausted! I think a low-key V-Day sounds perfect....just me and Kris, a movie and some chocolate covered strawberries. Perfect!

  85. Ahh....Paige! I am absolutely in love with everything that you create! Your inspiration never ceases to amaze me! I will be spending Valentines with the love of my life "Kenz" my sweet daughter who is trying her hand at card making, I would love her and I to win this "FaB" package!

  86. Congrats on your 600th post Paige -Keep on keepin on!
    My Valentine's plans include watching the Daytona 500 with my family then cooking a nice dinner. We're keeping it low key this year.

  87. we're celebrating valentines a few days late this year. we're waiting til the 19th and taking a long weekend trip to vancouver for the olympics!

  88. Wow! what a prize package! after church, my husband and our girls and i will be celebrating our nephew's first birthday...and maybe hubby and i will sneak in a date sometime in the evening!
    email in profile.

  89. hmmm I'm doing nothing. No boyfriend no smooches no nada. Actually I have to write a 10 paged essay... yayyy me.

    But I'd reeally really like to win something!!

  90. DH has been in Mississippi since January (ahh the military life) my Valentine's will be spent with the next best thing, my 2 little rug rats. I will probably cook my 3 year old his favorite dinner, watch the same episode of the Fresh Beat Band for the 1000th time, put them to bed, than start my homework :)

  91. Well, with the snow coming down the way it is right now, I'm guessing that we'll just be cozy at home:)

  92. This will sound oldschool, but im gonna go to dinner with my folks and my brothers :)

    happy hearts day!

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  93. DUUUUUUDE...awesomeness!!

    we are going out to dinner on v-day :)

  94. I'm going out for a dinner with! XD

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  95. i actually plan to stay in my pyjamas all day long. Hubby will be in China and we're just chilling at home. So pyjamas day it will be :)

  96. So many cute things!!! Our Vday will be spent in our home. It will be cozy and yummy, as my hubby is making dinner. And there will probably be some Olympics on our TV. We're sort of Olympic junkies :)

  97. What a fantastic prize package! I love the variety! Ok, Valentine's's going to be a lovefest for me! For one thing, it's my mom's birthday, so I'm spending the first half of the day with her, taking her to her favorite sushi place, going to a little craft fair in town, and generally mother-daughtering out. Then I'll get turned over to my dear darling husband, and we'll go to the restaurant where we went on our first date, and where he proposed to me, and where we go every Valentine's Day. And then we'll go home a board game, actually. And he'll probably brush my hair. Because we are hedonists, and eating at a great restaurant tends to lead to G-Rated evenings later, or else a Mr/ Creosoteish explosion.

    And I do love having my hair brushed.


  98. No plans!! Both brothers will be in town without their valentines so we will all be hanging out!! :o] Miss you Paige!! Hope to win!!!!!

  99. I'm new here, I love looking at all your creations, so much talent. Very inspirational. This little book is super cute, I would love to win it. I too would probably put it on my bookshelf to look at for inspiration.

    My hubby and I are just gonna stay at home with the kiddos and have dinner and watch a movie. Hope you have a great Valentines. Thanks for the chance to win.

  100. Lovely giveaway, thanks for the chance to win. Not much is going on this year for Vday for me, so I'll just be staying home and watching a movie or two.

  101. I will be spending Valentine's day with my husband and our daughter at home.

  102. We'll spend a day with the family doing an outing probably that I'll find on mommy poppins and then have dinner together and hopefully bake a cake

  103. What a creative and gorgeous giveaway!!!

    Valentine's day conincides with Chinese new year for 2010, so because I'm Chinese, V day will be spent feasting on Chinese food, and because I'm a romantic, I will also be feasting on the chocolates my hubby already gave me, LOL!

  104. May the force be with you... too funny girl! I just love visiting you! You are so cute!! Personality and Beautiful! My Valentine plans are to go to church and then go eat lunch with Courtney and Winter and our families. So excited to be meeting Winter in person (blog friend)!! Then it is home for some snuggle time (I guess)! :)

  105. I'd love to win :)

    I'm spending my Valentine's right now at home watching the Daytona (well, my special guy is watching the Daytone while I'm really catching up on my favorite blogs) :-)

    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  106. I'm single so I'm going to party right now :) I wish I will have much fun.

  107. My husband and I will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Monday. Dinner and a movie- our favorite to do.

  108. My valentine's day plans are celebrating Chinese New Year with my family :D

  109. I'm going to make Pioneer Woman Hamburgers and say adios to my diet for a day. Yummm!!

  110. We're with the in-laws on Valentine's Day. (It just worked out that way!?!) But on Wednesday we have someone to take our kids, and we're doing a one night getaway. Yeah!
    aschertle at yahoo dot com

  111. We just had a quiet day at home because our daughter is sick. :(

    That book looks amazing! Where can I purchase one?

  112. omg, i am SO in love with your shirt and big hairbow, they look amazing on you!!
    i love that book too! :)
    we didn't do anything for vday this year. my boyfriend had to work and didn't get home until 9pm tonight, sighhh. we're planning on going to the mall tomorrow to do some vday shopping and going out to dinner later to make up for it though! :)

  113. Cute top! I didn't do anything for valentines day this year. my boyfriend and I live several miles apart :( but he did send me flowers! ^_^

  114. My plan for Valentine's Day was to go with my boyfriend and try a new random restaurant, where we have a big lunch, some drinks and then we went to see the Valentine's Day movie.
    Every year we promise not to give us present, but he still buy me some running shoes I wanted and I gave him a handmade card, with his favorite candies and a key chain for his car.

  115. Well, on Valentine's Day my Mom, my sister, and I went to a surprise baby shower for a family friend. Afterwards, I watched the Olympics with my family because I am single, all in all it was a great day!

  116. Well, Valetines Day is over but I decided that this year I would spend it on my own, relaxing and spoiling myself. :) And that's just what I did! I just stuck around at home, rested, slept in a little, and enjoyed not having a pesky man by my side!


  117. For Valentine's Day my bf and I went shopping for kitten supplies (we are still looking for the perfect little kitty to adopt) and to IKEA for some new housewares! :)
    kkondek at

  118. We celebrated Valentine's day at home, just the two of us...relaxing & watching silly movies :)


  119. I was so trying to keep my little eyes open so that I could see who the lucky winner is, guess I will have to wait til the morning! Goodluck all!!

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. I went to go see the movie Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day!

  122. I adore the t-shirt!! It is so sweet. I also realised we shall be sharing our wedding anniversary as I am due to be married on May 8th this year!! Yay!!

  123. Just realised I didn't actually say how I spent Valentines day. We went to a little country hotel for 3 days of relaxing!

  124. I would to have dreams about my old and new loves


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