What a night! I am soooooo tired and my bum is soooooo sore. But if everything people say is true, I better get used to long sleepless nights like this... bring it on.
At 5:30pm Chris and I picked up Veronica and got some In-N-Out for dinner.

Me in my comfy scrubs and Twilight shirt ready to get my movie watching on.

When we got to the theater we easily found a parking spot then made our way to the front of the theater. The lines for the midnight showing of Eclipse were already forming and wrapped around the building. People people people. Why sit outside in the blazing hot sun for 6+ hours (who knows how long they'd already been out there), when you can pay $10 to sit inside where it's air conditioned, you get the first pick of seats, and you get to watch Twilight and New Moon!

There were seriously only like 12 people in the theater to watch all three movies. We became besties.

I had a hard time staying awake during New Moon just because I was so tired, though I like New Moon umpteen more times than Twilight. At 11:30pm the crowds of people who had been waiting all day outside poured in and had to find seats around us true and dedicated hard core fans. Then the movie began and I was entranced.
At 5:30pm Chris and I picked up Veronica and got some In-N-Out for dinner.
Me in my comfy scrubs and Twilight shirt ready to get my movie watching on.
When we got to the theater we easily found a parking spot then made our way to the front of the theater. The lines for the midnight showing of Eclipse were already forming and wrapped around the building. People people people. Why sit outside in the blazing hot sun for 6+ hours (who knows how long they'd already been out there), when you can pay $10 to sit inside where it's air conditioned, you get the first pick of seats, and you get to watch Twilight and New Moon!
There were seriously only like 12 people in the theater to watch all three movies. We became besties.
I had a hard time staying awake during New Moon just because I was so tired, though I like New Moon umpteen more times than Twilight. At 11:30pm the crowds of people who had been waiting all day outside poured in and had to find seats around us true and dedicated hard core fans. Then the movie began and I was entranced.
So what did I think of Eclipse?I LOVED IT. My favorite of the three by far. I need to go watch it again. And again and again.
Will I go see Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse before the first installment of Breaking Dawn? Probably not, it was physically painful to sit in those chairs for eight hours, and I'll have a little Fox to take care of then (eeps!), so maybe I'll just watch them at home beforehand.
Anyways. Great night. Great movie. Great times.