The One with Chris' Quarter Century Birthday

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's my hubby's 25th birthday today - woot woot! But the party don't start 'til tonight. Chris had to go to school this morning (and take a test nonetheless - awesome present right?!). On his way out the door, I snapped some photos of the tools he brought home last night. This is why normal humans are afraid to go to the dentist:
Those sharp and scary objects are exactly what I want poking and prodding me in the mouth! NOT!
Bye bye honey, have a great day at school!
I'm so proud of my Chris for infinite reasons. Perhaps what I love most about him is his "if I set my mind to it I can accomplish anything I want to" mantra about life. He also has a great desire to learn and any spare moment he has he spends reading and writing (darn good!) reviews of what he's read. He loves Mountain Dew more than he should, but I love that there's something that can make him happy anytime, anywhere. He's easy to please. I asked him if he wants a cake or a pie or a big hullabaloo and he said no. I'm still having a curry party for him on Saturday though, I've got to do SOMETHING for him! He's going to make a great daddy (even if he thinks it's gross when Fox moves around in my belly :) and I can't wait to spend eternity with him.

Happy 25th birthday Chris! LYB!


  1. Happy Birthday, Chris! I hope it's super fabulous! :-D

    And too funny about him thinking it's gross when a baby moves! LOL. (I should be honest... I feel the same way, Chris!) I've never touched a pregnant woman's belly for this reason... even when my SISTER asked me to! Umm... no. Sorry. :-p I hope I'm not grossed out by MY belly when the time comes! LOL.

    Hope you'r able to have some Mountain Dew today, Chris! ;-)

  2. Mmm. Mountain Dew does sound pretty good right about now!

  3. Happy Birthday Chris! (P.S. I just saw this fox treasury on Etsy and thought you might like it:

  4. See, and this is why I think dentistry is medieval. Has it evolved at all over the past hundred years? Sharp objects like that makes me think not. :) Happy birthday to him! (don't tell him I said that about dentistry, ha!)

  5. It cracks me up that he thinks it is gross when Fox is squirming in your tummy!! Happy Birthday Chris! Oh and don't eat too much of that curry Paige, you know what they say about pregnant women, curry and labour.....

  6. Happy B-day Chris! I love Mt. Dew too (the diet version though).

  7. Happpppppy 25th!
    And I am such a nerd, but came across this SUPER CUTE fox applique shirt and thought I should pass the info along :)é-T-shirt.html

  8. yeah for aug. 3 husband birthdays! and a happy one to them both. :)


  9. My first thought when I saw those tools.....



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