The One with the RBJ Baby Shower

Sunday, August 15, 2010

On my last day of work at RBJ they threw me a surprise baby shower. I guess my pregnancy is making me not very observant cuz I've been surprised twice now this year. First my birthday and then this baby shower. But I'm not complaining :)
This drink concoction was the most marvelous thing I've ever imbibed.
Rainbow sherbet and sprite. Mmmmmmmmm.
And how stinkin cute is this cake?
I felt bad cutting it up... But you gotta do what you gotta do to eat some yummy cake!
I was asked where I'm registered and to be honest, that thought hadn't even crossed my mind! Am I supposed to register somewhere? Where? What do I register for???
I got a precious handmade blanket in yellow which will match the nursery perfectly:
I got one of these fabulous creations where I can keep Fox while I work. Hopefully he loves it :)
And diapers - my favorite!
Thanks RBJ, you're so good to me. I'll bring Fox in once he's born!


  1. wow the cake looks amazing and the drink looks interesting (don't think I have ever tried it before... uhmm, but I'm sure it taste wonderful); and looks you had a wonderful time :)

  2. that cake is SO cool! and that blanket is gorgeous! You make me laugh... of course you register! :) You should ask your readers what their must haves are so you know what things to register for! I know I will when I have babies. However, we have been lucky because Ryan is the baby so his brother and sister are done having kids so we got all their hand-me-downs. So we are set for the big things, but I definitly want a bumbo and a bobby! And they arent cheap so I much rather someone get them for me. ;) They also have some cool things you would never think of if you haven't had kids before. Like these really cool baskets that you can put in the dishwasher that hold small spoons, nipples, bottle lids...etc. And I only know about it cuz my sister has one and loves it. So fun!!

  3. Well, let me just give you my list of must have items! I didn't have a baby shower, so we didn't go crazy, except on clothes... lol! We did have some help from our family for the couple of big things like the crib, playpen, and car seat/stroller combo! Totally recommend the type that you can put the car seat on and then convert when you want Fox to face forward. Watch your height & weights though on car seats... we got lucky with ours and it's good until 35lbs and/or 32".

    Anyway, list of things I love (besides above mentioned items)!

    BOPPY!! I also think you should have a backup cover because my Savannah spit up on it a few times and I hated using it w/o a cover.

    Swing! I don't care if it winds up or plugs in, I loved it.

    Camera - always close by.

    I never had a baby carrier thing, but I've heard they're life savers.

    Those, to me, are necessities. Like I said, my husband and I went a little nuts on clothes... but looking back I woulda skipped out on a bunch of it. Babies grow so fast and you end up changing clothes A LOT so the little jeans just didn't seem worth it after the 3rd clothes change of the morning... haha. =D

    Hope that helps!

  4. Wow! That was super nice of everyone at RBJ! Thanks!

  5. Normally first time mommys register for the necessities as well as some fun things. You can go to and search for baby must-have's but beware, you don't need everything it suggests. We registered at babies r' us for things like diapers, bottles, changing station, lotion, clothes, etc. Its a nice way for people to help out with your new arrival.

  6. That is a great cake - - and will look great in little Fox's baby scrapbook!
    As for registering - yes, it's a must. People really DO want to buy you things that you want/need instead of random Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse things that won't go with what you already have...or get you a good brand of diapers but not the kind that you will love...or the wrong kind of bottles or nipples...all that stuff.
    I would recommend Target - they have everything from bedding to clothes to all the baby necessities...and, it's cheap so if you get gift cards there you can find some good deals on your own...and it's online too so people not near you can buy and ship...and there's one like everywhere anyway.

  7. What an awesome cake!
    That bouncy seat is how I was even able to start scrapbooking. I'd put my daughter in it and she'd be perfectly happy to bounce the time away.

    Register for everything! (it's practical and not to mention, a ton of fun) People love to buy baby gifts and they are happy if they know exactly what you want. I seem to recall registering around 7 months. I think you are right on time :)

  8. That cake! It's perfect! You have some thoughtful coworkers :)

    Also, you have me craving some party punch now. Is it bad if I want to buy sherbert and sprite to make punch for dinner? :)

  9. What a nice surprise!! You look great, and so happy. =)


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