The One with Mockingjay

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sooooooo.....has anybody read this yet?
I just finished it this morning. Took me a week and a half to read it. Which is saying something. Cuz usually I devour books in two days...
I will try not to spoil too much and just give my overall feelings.
I was disappointed with how fast it wrapped up in the end. I felt it was pretty anti-climatic. I wish she had played out the whole Gale vs. Peeta storyline more - goodness knows I'm all about the love stories! I'm happy with Katniss' choice in the end, but I'm sad about how the other boy's story went, I don't think it was very feasible. I think Peeta's whole "struggle" was sorta lame. I think in movies or books or TV shows whenever someone gets amnesia or something likewise it's lame. I think the epilogue was far too short. I wanted more conclusion - I feel like I'm still hanging, still missing a key piece to the puzzle. So anyways. I give it a 5 out of 10. Not really my favorite series. I definitely like Twilight and Harry Potter better :)

On a happier note - ONLY 6 weeks to go til Fox comes!
Or maybe only 4. Or up to 8...but let's pray for less than 6. I'm so excited to meet this little wiggle worm. I can't wait to see his face and touch his tiny little feetsies that I've been feeling on the outside for weeks now! Okay, I'm gonna cry, I'm too emotional. Peace out.


  1. I agree with you on the third book, I was disappointed too. I felt like there could have been at least 3 or 4 more chapters. Without giving anything away, I didn't even realize that a MAJOR event had happened in the end until she came out and said it later because there was no description of it at all! (Do you know what I'm talking about? Katniss...outside the house where President Snow is...a bunch of orphans...) I had to go back and reread it and still it wasn't clear.

    Anyway, I still really like the series as a whole. I think it was an interesting concept and I loved the characters and detail of the first and second books but the third book was missing a lot for me.

  2. omg i tooootally agree! i finished it last night and felt so ... unresolved at the end. let's be serious, my favorite part of the other books was the love story, and this had hardly any of it. i wanted way more katniss / peeta and way less capitol / war stuff. hunger games is still my fave of the three.

  3. Hmmm....I'll have to tell you what I think when I finish it. I will say this though, unless Katniss ends up with Peeta, this series is lame! :)

  4. I agree with you. I really enjoyed this series, but it needed 3 or 4 more chapters. I did actually like what happened to Peeta. It made him see her in a different light and still love her. The end was a bit rushed and I wanted more details about EVERYTHING. I could have done with like 5 or 6 more chapters. It was all going really well as far as me being into the story and what was happening and then just ended pretty quick. I will be very interested to see what they do with the movies.


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