The One with Too Much Time on Their....Bellies?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turn your pregnant belly into a work of art!
Some people just have too much time on their...bellies?

I know a million and one pregnant women who live within like a mile of me right now. What say you ladies, should we all get together and have a belly painting night?? Prizes and all??


  1. Paige, I so hope you do this. And post LOTS of pics!!!

  2. Hey! It's me Danielle. I think I met you maybe once when we both worked at AC together. I was in the sales department. Anyway Mary Martha told me you had a cute blog and I've enjoyed reading it the last little while. Just showed my very pregnant sister this.....we laughed forever!!!! Thanks and keep postin!

  3. Or you and hubby could do a belly cast...Have you heard of those? Not my thing, but interesting.

  4. ummm, no thanks! thats so funny though!

  5. Funny Post! Hope you are doing good. how many weeks are you now? How are you feeling? I just havent heard much from you...How are all your appointments going? I hate all the tests we have to get!

  6. Wowza! C'mon Paige, don't you want a painted replica of your soon to be baby with sparkles and glitter surrounding him?!
    Too funny, where do you find this stuff?!

  7. So funny that you should post this about belly painting Paige!! I just bought some 'body-friendly' paints so my daughter can paint on my 35+weeks old belly :). Baby should be here at the end of Sept.

    You're really looking well this pregnancy :) Good luck to ya girlie!

  8. Oh my Lordy. That's all I have to say on that one:)

  9. OMGEE!!! I'm dying! So weird. I'm so weirded out right now. Eww.


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