The One with the First Sign of Labor??

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today I ate spicy nuggets and chili for lunch. Then I ate two big spears of pineapple. Then I drank a cuppa raspberry herbal tea. Then I walked up and down the stairs lots. Then about a half hour ago, after I finished watching Poltergeist, I went to the bathroom and I'm pretty sure I lost my mucous plug. Sorry if that's TMI. I called the hospital and the doctor in labor and delivery said to wait 'til either my contractions are 5 minutes apart for two hours (which I haven't had any painful contractions yet, shoot) or until my water breaks. Hopefully Fox is coming soon! He has the hiccups right now which kind of makes me laugh. Keep you posted.


  1. Woohoo! Hopefully, he IS coming soon! Yay! Did you get to watch The Business of Being Born? :-D I know, I won't shut up about it, but it will make you feel SO much better about the whole birthing process. At least it did for me! :-)

    Hang in there! He's almost here! YAY!!

  2. Yay for progress!! Hoping he shows up soon!!

  3. Go Paige, go!

    I'll give Fox the same advice that I really believe got Jack to decide to come out -- Come on, Fox, quit sailing around in there!

  4. Reading this totally takes me back to my first baby! You are SO excited and anxious for that little guy to come. It's so funny, because with my second I waited for my husband to come home from work to tell him "my water a little while ago, so we should probably start heading to the hospital." He freaked, but I was calm as can be!

    I hope Fox is really on his way! This is SUCH a fun and exciting time!!!

  5. I didn't know what the mucus plug was about until I lost mine. Interesting little thing.... If I remember right, it was a week later and still no bebe.... Hope your wait isn't too much longer!

  6. Ditto again. I had a bloody show that started on Sunday and my sister said her baby didn't come for another week. No matter how much walking/running, spicy food, sex, etc. This baby still isn't coming!!!! I think I'm losing my mind.

  7. ooooh exciting :) almost there!!!

  8. :D Today is the day I chose...hurry Fox!

  9. Ooh! 'Citing!! Probably still a few days away but things are happenin'!! xx

  10. Been thinking of you all day! Hope today's the day!!

  11. How exciting!! I hope he decides to come a bit early for you!


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