The One with Thundercats are GO!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just went to my weekly doctor appointment, she checked me out, I'm 75% effaced, 4cm dilated, she said to go straight to the hospital. So. Yeah. Here we go! Next time I blog I'll probably have a baby! Woo hoo!!


  1. WOO HOO Paige!! Happy Baby!!!!
    So excited for y'all!

    Can't wait to meet Fox!

  2. How exciting!!! Wishing you a "good" labor! I can't wait to see Fox. :)

  3. Ekkk! OH MY GOODNESS YAY!! Congrats and good luck!

  4. yeahhhhh! you are so far already. way to go!! can't WAIT to see picture of little man fox!

  5. Go Paige!! Can't wait to read that post...thinking of you!! xx

  6. Woo Hoo! So excited for you and Chris!! I think I might cry! :)

  7. Good luck Paige (and Chris ;))! You get to see your little boy so soon!!! Can't wait to hear about it!

  8. I hope you have some comfy shoes or slippers with you! They're probably going to make you walk around to get you to dilate more! At least it's not 2 in the morning like when I had to walk around with Karsen...that was a looong night and I think I was wearing flip flops too! Haha!

    Good luck! You'll do great! Can't wait to read about it and see pictures of the little man! :-)

  9. SO excited and happy for you, Paige! Yay!!! :-D

  10. OHHHHHH My GOOOOODNESS!! I just got chills:) I am super excited for you!! Can't wait to see pics--praying for a healthy little Fox and quick delivery!! HUGS!!

  11. Yay Paige!! Wishing you a easy & speedy delivery - can't wait to see photos of your little guy!!

  12. oh yay! can't wait to meet Fox. this is so exciting!

  13. Yihoo! How exciting! Prayers for a quick and smooth delivery and a healthy baby and mama are coming your way!

  14. Good luck Paige! Can't wait to meet little Fox!!! : )

  15. YAY paige! I am so excited for you & chris!! Praying for you right now for a healthy, safe, and EASY labor... and for a healthy little fox. Can't wait to "meet" him. Blessings to you, friend!!

  16. Can't wait to see pictures of the little Fox. Good luck to all - - hope it all goes smooth as silk.

  17. I am so excited!!! Good luck, have fun, take lots of photos and video!!! Can't wait to see the baby!

  18. LOL! That saying is exactly what our code was when I was pregnant to let everybody know it was serious!! Gotta love Juno!

    GOOD LUCK!!! Can't wait to see pics!!

  19. Have a safe delivery, and wishing good health to both Mom and Fox!

  20. Yay, yay, YAY!!!!! I can't wait to meet him! Well, online first (tee hee), but maybe I'll fly out in a few months, so I can meet him in person! :-D

    I guess your present should go out today... LOL. :-)

  21. thrilling.

    was hoping to see a picture by now.

    enjoy the moment, it goes by too quickly.

  22. just wanted to echo everyone else and say "YAY!!! Congrats!" He's on his way! We're so excited for you guys! I've been keeping up with your blog. Hope all goes/went well with the delivery! Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy!


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