The One with Our First Date Post Birth

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We took advantage of my mother's hospitality and went on our first date - just the two of us - since becoming parents!
We FINALLY saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part I!
I give it two thumbs up.
For some reason I can't explain I really liked the scene where Harry and Hermione danced in the tent. I don't remember that happening in the book... I thought the animation of of the Three Brothers Story was weeeeeeird. Overall, I really liked it, very much how I pictured it in the books and I can't wait 'til the last installment.
And of course Fox slept the entire time we were gone. Why doesn't he sleep when I'm home alone with him?!?! :)


  1. pegs, you are so awesome! i just love reading your blog! i also loved the dancing scene. it made me chuckle. glad you got out on a date! its much needed after having a babe. you look amazing too!

  2. That scene didn't happen in the book. =D There were some things they left out and stuff they added, but I agree with you, definitely two thumbs up! Can't wait for the last one!!

  3. fun date night! have you read healthy sleep habits happy child? not that i'm saying you need help ;) but if you're struggling to figure out fox's sleep patterns, read that -- it helps a ton.

    and i forgot to ask, did you get fox a "first time to disneyland" button??

  4. Yea for date nights! They don't happen enough around my house. So glad you both had fun!

  5. date nights are the bomb {dot} com!

    I wish we had more of them. You definitely need that little slice of time with the lover! ;)

  6. Yay! So glad you guys finally got to go. I can't wait to see it again. And I agree, that weird cartoon thing? What was up with that?!?!?

    p.s. You look SO beautiful! :-D

  7. did you LOVE it? I LOVED it! :D
    i have seen it 3 times already LOL

    ps. i can't wait to scrap my pics on the new harry potter paper! eeek*


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