The One with the Blowout

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Picture this: we're sitting in sacrament meeting of church and the first speaker is talking and all of a sudden we hear a "sdlghaldflkdgsdgsdvzxvadsgsnldhg" come from Fox's bum region. I'm thinking, it's A-OK, I have a diaper, I have wipes, I even have a change of clothes and socks for Fox, everything will be peachy keen. So I stand up and grab said diaper and wipes and change of clothes and that's when I notice the disaster that is commonly known as a blowout. Now, Fox has had blowouts before, so I wasn't freaked out or anything. But this time was a first because it GOT ON ME TOO! It got everywhere! His pants, his onesie, his sweater, his socks and more!
And yes, we took pictures to show Fox's first girlfriend :)
That bright yellow stuff is poop. Yup. I've got poop on me. On my bright white now probably forever stained shirt. Thanks baby :)
Not even his shoes escaped the disaster.
Good thing we live one block away from church! Disaster remedied in 5.5 minutes flat.


  1. ROTFL!!!! That's awesome. And just so you know, I think this is just a boy thing. Happened with my son...but never my daughter. So here's to a girl next time - ha!! Hilarious. I think we have the exact same pictures...only it was all over daddy - yay! Haaa...this is great...; the joys of motherhood.

  2. i hate to disagree with Michelle, but Evie has AT LEAST two blowouts a week. We've tried changing diaper brands and even cloth diaper (which hold it a bit better) don't always keep it in.

    if you are interested i had a white shirt that got the wrong end of Evie and spray-n-wash and oxy clean got it out... they are what we use to clean the cloth diaper also and we haven't had a problem with any staining... YET. ;)

  3. Oh, you poor thing! I've been there! We called my daughter the "cannon pooper" for obvious reasons ;). Sadly, there'll, actually, be days that you wish you were back there. They grow up way too fast!!

  4. omgosh! Does that ever bring back memories!!!

    My oldest son was the king of explosive diapers. And to make it worse it was normal for him not to go everyday. After a few days of him not going we were afraid to go out anywhere because we knew it would be a doozy and most likely it would be when we were out. LOL!!!

  5. I don't call him Stink-a-saurus for nothing! :)

  6. michelle is downright wrong. baby girl is the MASTER of blowouts, including head to toe blowouts. between the time she was 2 to 5 months old, 90% of her poopy diapers were blowouts. so i was cleaning that crap at least once a day... every day. and even though she's almost six months, it still happens occasionally. and yes, it frequently got on us and the carseat and jumper and bouncer and crib bedding and everything else in sight. i highly recommend a giant bottle of spray n wash. and also the spray n wash treat now wash later stick. then you won't have to worry about white/yellow sweaters!

    thanks for the great story complete with pictures!

  7. And here I was first thinking "what a cute yellow shirt he has on under that sweater. Oh man...poor you!

  8. I was thinking the same thing as the previous commenter - I thought he was wearing a yellow tie dye shirt. At least it sort of matches his outfit!
    Wow! Have to say, I don't recall a yellow blow out, but I do remember those days. Thanks for the belly laugh!

  9. haha Paige! That's awesome! Hope it didn't smell too bad!!

  10. HA HA!!! I've experienced almost this same thing.... My first blew out all over me, while in church. Even the people in front of us turned around when she did it. We were visiting family but luckily my father-in-law lived around the block from the church too. So the 2 of us just took off a bit early;). She blew out like crazy all the time though. My others weren't nearly as bad. I did switch to Pampers for the others while they were newborns. Did it really help? Who knows?

  11. I love that you took pictures... =)

    Thank goodness that Devin has outgrown this stage, but he has had his fair share.

    You are such a cute family.

    One day I will have to share how I got poop on my lips. Probably the best poop story ever.

  12. Clorox Bleach for colors helps to get those breastmilk colored poops out of whites!

  13. Oh Paige, this brings back so many memories!! Our Sarah (now almost 9 yrs. old) had diaper blow outs, the likes of which I can't even discribe!!! Good times ;-) LOVE that you took pictures!! Wish I had :-)

  14. You NEVER had blowouts when you were a baby :)

  15. Ohmigosh, that is too funny! Glad you took photos and blogged about it, so he can laugh about it later! ;-) Tee hee.

    You poor thing! But I do hear that breastmilk poopy is MUCH easier to get out than regular poopy. :-D

  16. I remember those days! Ethan had such frequent blowouts that we had him wear a white onezie for an extra layer every single day. Most of the time the onezie saved his clothes (and mine) and kept it all contained but there were a few that still managed to get past the extra barrier. Give it a try! I hope it helps!

  17. I am chuckling now, but my turn will come!

    LOVE the new background!

    And I have a feeling if what your doc said is true we will have lots of ADD children running around this world.

  18. Oh wow, I remember those days all too well! Luckily you were so close to run and change! Hopefully the date between your shirt and bleach goes well!

  19. I just warened my sister who is 7months preggers about baby blowouts lol she laughed and said " i guess that's gonna be a regular occurance):( good thing you live so close to church!

  20. LOL! That is so funny! I had the same thing happen when my oldest son was little. We were 40 minutes from home and at a Subway resturant! Thank goodness my friend lived close. She doesn't have any kids and the day I had to put him in her bath may be the reason why! :0)

  21. LOL! That is so funny! I had the same thing happen when my oldest son was little. We were 40 minutes from home and at a Subway resturant! Thank goodness my friend lived close. She doesn't have any kids and the day I had to put him in her bath may be the reason why! :0)


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