Mr. Fox is three months old today! I didn't do a "Fox at one month" or "Fox at two months" but I plan to do them from here on out. I guess I just figure I've been blogging about him so much and sharing so many pictures we can see and read about his first two months here. But now that I'm keeping lists of all his skills, triumphs, quirks, and such, we can read them all in one spot every month. So here we go!
Length: 24" (25-50%)
Weight: 14.3 pounds (50-75%)
Head circumference: 17" (75-90% - he's got a big "bueno"!)

Fox HATES being on his tummy, which concerns me cuz how is he ever gonna learn how to crawl? The doctor says that holding him on his tummy while we're laying down counts, but it doesn't feel like enough for me. We'll work on it.

We moved him up to size 3 diapers two days ago and we haven't had a single blow out since! And I don't know if it's correlated or not, but he's slept in a 7 hour stretch both nights since. I'll take it!

Fox has outgrown baths in our sink. We've moved into the bath tub. He's getting so big so fast! Stoooop! I keep telling him I'm going to send him to Never Never Land where nobody grows up.

He either moves and shakes his right hand OR his left hand but NEVER at the same time. And he seems to switch them daily. One day it's his left hand and the next day it's his right hand. Maybe he'll be ambidextrous!

Fox thinks he's cute. He really does. The instant I put him in front of a mirror his eyes light up and he smiles. We've got a little narcissist on our hands.

He's just starting to like his activity mat. He's reaching for the toys and smiling instead of crying while being there.

I can still squeeze Fox into his newborn onesies. It'll be a sad day when I can't do that anymore!

He's got a big gap between his toes.

Lately, and when I say lately I mean like the past week, he's been going to sleep at 8pm and waking up at 2am and then at 6am so I wake up with him then.

He has sweaty feet. Just like his mommy :)
I still nurse him as much as I can, but he will take a bottle and once in awhile that's all he'll take. He has strong opinions.
His eyes are still a beautiful blue/gray. Here's to hoping they stay that color!

He sleeps with his arms raised up over his head. Consequently, since he's starting to grab things, he's been grabbing tufts of his hair and is now bald on both sides of his head. Exhibit A:

Fox loooooves being outside and going on walks. If he's crying and I just can't hold him anymore I plop him (gently of course :) in the stroller and we walk around the block. If I were to lay him on a blanket in the house he'd fuss, but if we're outside on the grass he's content. He's also very good in his carseat and loves driving around. It soothes him.
Pacifiers are his best friend. And mine. If he drops his pacie, he's starting to suck on his hands instead.
I don't know if he enjoys being read to, but he doesn't cry so we'll keep at it! I love reading him Fox in Socks :)
Oh my goodness this boy of mine is a wiggle worm! And he's STRONG! I'll have him laying down on my lap with his feet towards me and he kicks me really hard in my chestal-area! Ouch! Doesn't he know that's his food source?!
If he's in the right mood and his needs are met, it's pretty easy to coax a smile out of him. There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing his big toothless grin and his beautiful eyes staring deep into mine.
Every day when Chris comes home I sing him the primary song "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home, glad as I can be! Clap my hands and shout for joy and climb upon his knee. Put my arms around his neck, hug him tight like this! Pat his cheeks and give him what? A great, big, kiss, MWAH!" It'll be fun to sing it together some day. And he ALWAYS smiles when he sees Chris after he's been gone at school alllllllllllll day. (Don't even get me started on how busy this semester is for Chris! I'm going bananas!)
He's only laughed that one time on New Year's Eve. He still laughs in his sleep occasionally. One of these days he'll start laughing and won't stop.
All-in-all, Fox is a happy baby. He only cries when he's hungry, needs to be changed, wants to be paid attention to (which is alllll the time) or is tired. So really, as long as I'm holding him, he's a great little boy.

Here is Fox on his three month birthday:
Length: 24" (25-50%)
Weight: 14.3 pounds (50-75%)
Head circumference: 17" (75-90% - he's got a big "bueno"!)
Fox HATES being on his tummy, which concerns me cuz how is he ever gonna learn how to crawl? The doctor says that holding him on his tummy while we're laying down counts, but it doesn't feel like enough for me. We'll work on it.
We moved him up to size 3 diapers two days ago and we haven't had a single blow out since! And I don't know if it's correlated or not, but he's slept in a 7 hour stretch both nights since. I'll take it!
Fox has outgrown baths in our sink. We've moved into the bath tub. He's getting so big so fast! Stoooop! I keep telling him I'm going to send him to Never Never Land where nobody grows up.
He either moves and shakes his right hand OR his left hand but NEVER at the same time. And he seems to switch them daily. One day it's his left hand and the next day it's his right hand. Maybe he'll be ambidextrous!
Fox thinks he's cute. He really does. The instant I put him in front of a mirror his eyes light up and he smiles. We've got a little narcissist on our hands.
He's just starting to like his activity mat. He's reaching for the toys and smiling instead of crying while being there.
I can still squeeze Fox into his newborn onesies. It'll be a sad day when I can't do that anymore!
He's got a big gap between his toes.
Lately, and when I say lately I mean like the past week, he's been going to sleep at 8pm and waking up at 2am and then at 6am so I wake up with him then.
He has sweaty feet. Just like his mommy :)
I still nurse him as much as I can, but he will take a bottle and once in awhile that's all he'll take. He has strong opinions.
His eyes are still a beautiful blue/gray. Here's to hoping they stay that color!
He sleeps with his arms raised up over his head. Consequently, since he's starting to grab things, he's been grabbing tufts of his hair and is now bald on both sides of his head. Exhibit A:
Fox loooooves being outside and going on walks. If he's crying and I just can't hold him anymore I plop him (gently of course :) in the stroller and we walk around the block. If I were to lay him on a blanket in the house he'd fuss, but if we're outside on the grass he's content. He's also very good in his carseat and loves driving around. It soothes him.
Pacifiers are his best friend. And mine. If he drops his pacie, he's starting to suck on his hands instead.
I don't know if he enjoys being read to, but he doesn't cry so we'll keep at it! I love reading him Fox in Socks :)
Oh my goodness this boy of mine is a wiggle worm! And he's STRONG! I'll have him laying down on my lap with his feet towards me and he kicks me really hard in my chestal-area! Ouch! Doesn't he know that's his food source?!
If he's in the right mood and his needs are met, it's pretty easy to coax a smile out of him. There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing his big toothless grin and his beautiful eyes staring deep into mine.
Every day when Chris comes home I sing him the primary song "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home, glad as I can be! Clap my hands and shout for joy and climb upon his knee. Put my arms around his neck, hug him tight like this! Pat his cheeks and give him what? A great, big, kiss, MWAH!" It'll be fun to sing it together some day. And he ALWAYS smiles when he sees Chris after he's been gone at school alllllllllllll day. (Don't even get me started on how busy this semester is for Chris! I'm going bananas!)
He's only laughed that one time on New Year's Eve. He still laughs in his sleep occasionally. One of these days he'll start laughing and won't stop.
All-in-all, Fox is a happy baby. He only cries when he's hungry, needs to be changed, wants to be paid attention to (which is alllll the time) or is tired. So really, as long as I'm holding him, he's a great little boy.
Here is Fox on his three month birthday:
he's looking more like paige as he gets older..
ReplyDeletehe is so precious i can hardly stand it.
ReplyDeleteI love that smile!! Thanks for posting so many photos!
ReplyDeleteHis clothes are SOO cute! Does he wear shoes all day long? How are his little feet gonna grow? LOL. He always looks like such a cute, little man! Adorable! :-)
He's such a cute little boy! I'm glad you're doing the monthly posts... I look back on Brooklyns and am SOO glad I did, everything blurs together when they get a little bit older and it's nice to go back and see when they were doing what. :)
ReplyDeleteOH my goodness, he's the cutest baby EVER! Do you think his eyes will stay that great color?
ReplyDeleteI love all his little expressions! I've said it before and I'll say it again: Cutest. Baby. Ever.
ReplyDeleteOh he likes to go on walks outside I read? Tell Chris I bet Fox will be a little nature boy :P
ReplyDeleteIf Fox hates tummy time, you should try a Boppy! My twins loved using the Boppy under their chests, because it lifted them up enough that they could be social, and not have to look at the ground, because who really wants to do that? I wouldn't recommend it all the time, but it's nice sometimes. Fox sure is a cutie!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the crawling. Lots of babies really hate tummy time and still end up crawling just fine. It helped us a little to prop Miles's arms up on a blanket and put his favorite book in front of him. I guess it distracted him.
ReplyDeleteWhat, he's pulling out his hair!? Poor guy. His toes, and the space in between them is super cute! Love his smile.
ReplyDeleteHe's getting so big! What a cutie!
ReplyDeleteMy oldest DS wanted nothing to do with tummy time either, skipped crawling and went straight to walking instead.
He is so adorable...I want a post like that EVERY day! I can't wait to see him again!