The One with Too Much Cereal

Monday, January 24, 2011

The title is kinda misleading - there's no such thing as too much cereal, but I think I've come pretty darn close. One daily activity that I like to do with Fox is walk to the neighborhood grocery store and get a free sample. It's a fun getaway from the house, Fox likes being outside, free dessert - it's a win-win all around. Last week on our daily trip to the grocery store I noticed my favorite cereal - Malt-O-Meal Frosted Mini Spooners - was on sale 2 for $5. And they were the GINORMOUS family sized bags which normally retail for like over $5 each. Score. I must have looked pretty darn silly walking home with four huge bags of cereal and pushin' my baby. Whatever, I couldn't pass up such a good deal. 
The point of the story - I bought so much cereal and have been thinking about cereal so much that I dreamt that I was in high school and me and my friends were called "The Cereals". 


  1. Really, how could you pass up a deal like that? BOGO gets me everytime :)

  2. i've never tried that cereal, but i did just binge on a bogo deal today too! (apple cinnamon cheerios - mmm yes.)
    my boyfriend and i have a t-shirt from gap kids framed in our kitchen - it says "cereal, it's what's for dinner."
    not seriously, but wow, if it didn't have any bad health effects....

  3. If you were a cereal you'd be Frosted Flakes because you are so sweet! :)

  4. "The Cereals" is an awesome band name. You should start it. I'll be in it too. And Courtney. We would be awesome as "The Cereals".

  5. I think the most cereal I've bought in one trip was 10 boxes! It was a killer deal...and they don't expire for a long time!

  6. i looove strawberry mini spooners and i go through a box a week. i wish they sold them in bags...


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