The One with Under Construction

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a new year, we have a new addition in our family, I'm itching for a change and it's gonna be taken out on my blog. So pardon the dust and funkiness while I get it looking the way I want it to - HTML is still crazy foreign to me. Thanks soooo much to Kristina and her blog design business - Two Happy Mamas Blogs - my blog looked great for so long. I shouldn't go messin' with a good thing... But here is a preview and you're seeing it now if you're reading this directly on my blog instead of via a reader.


  1. So pretty! I LOVE the color scheme and those paisleys! Awesome! It's super wide on my computer though. Is it super-wide on yours? I'm glad I have a widescreen monitor! :-D

  2. I love that the new blog matches your family picture. Love the decorative blackletter font too.

  3. I just barely posted today if I should change my layout/ far everyone says keep it.

    I guess I will just change up the pictures!

    Love the new design, so you!


Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN