The One with Copious Amounts of Ribbon

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hi my name is Paige and I'm addicted to ribbon. Here's proof:
Somehow over the course of the 9 years I've been scrapbooking I've collected more ribbon than should be allowed. There's no earthly way I'll ever be able to use this much ribbon. The box I stored it all in weighed 20 pounds and I'd had enough. So last night I organized the ribbon I still want by color and put them into ziplock bags.
Huge sigh of relief. I feel so much better now!
And now I have a GINORMOUS pile'o'ribbon to donate to DI.
I feel 20 pounds lighter :)


  1. Donate it to ME!!!!

    That really IS a lot of ribbon, Paige.

  2. oh man... That is a lot of work. I did it about 6 months ago and they are also in bags. I love cleaning by color :)

  3. Great!
    BUT I could need some ribbon! (;
    my stash fits in one hand...);
    I would LOVE to pay the postage to Germany!!!

  4. LOL! Unfortunately I have to go out to by some ribbon to make this wreath...

  5. The ribbon you are discarding looks beautiful, too!

  6. OHH I would love some of that ribbon for my daughters ponytails!!

  7. Paige! Dont give it to DI! bring it here! :) I'm loving ribbon these days! :)

  8. I just wanna know how you kept Joey away from that ribbon long enough to take a picture.

  9. Malalalalam - that's a good question. It was a NIGHTMARE trying to sort the ribbon. He would take a strand and run away with it and kept coming back for more and it was a mess. But luckily Chris was home and helped me out :)

  10. I don't know what DI is and I hate to take it away from whover it is, but I agree with everyone...give it to us! lol

  11. I'd love some too...but only if there is any left from the others that one some! I want to make some bows for my baby that's coming in she'll have cute hair accessories like Erica's daughter!

  12. oh my! I am a monthly purger and just the sight of all that ribbon made my chest hurt.

  13. Me too, me too...don't send it to DI!

  14. Omg!!! I have never seen so much ribbon! :)

  15. That is a whole lot of ribbon!! I always like to purge my stuff a couple of times a year too and donate. Usually my nieces are very happy to take stuff off of my hands. Lol


Paige Taylor Evans © 2025 // Quinn Creatives DESIGN