The One with Li'l Chinchilla Taking a Dust Bath

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Animal Planet this week on the Chris and Paige blog apparently... what with the Zoo post, kitty in a bag post, and now this. What can I say, I have a lot of them and I like them a lot.

Didjuknow chinchillas take baths in dust? The first time I heard that I was like say whaaat? The first time I saw it happen with mine own two eyes I laughed really hard. It's quite a sight to behold. Here is my chinchilla, Li'l Chinchilla, taking a dust bath:
She rolls around and around until she's good and covered in dust then pokes her head out to say "all done!" Cuuuuuute.


  1. she is too cute, i want a chinchilla now;) thanks for sharing.

  2. I love how she runs over to her "bath house" like she's all excited about it... super cute

  3. she knows just what to do! Cute cute!

  4. SO SO CUTE. but i think i might sneeze

  5. I didn't know that either... but very cute!! :)

  6. Like a fluffy scarf in the dryer!

  7. SO CUTE! I have a chinchilla too-named her "Chilla" and looks almost exactly like your little guy! I love her to death! :)

    I'm glad Im not the only one with a crazy exotic animal :)

  8. Tee hee. This made me giggle. Totally cute. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  9. Hahaha! That's funny. Seems she knows exactly that she's supposed to run to her bath - since that's exactly where she runs. And in a hurry too!


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