The One with Home Sweet Home Day 2

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This morning after my mom got home from teaching early morning seminary we went to the one and only Maltby Cafe for breakfast (why does my vacation revolve around meals?).

Fox loves sitting in high chairs, looking around, and reaching and grabbing everything he can get his hands on.

Allie and Malm at Maltby Cafe.

We ordered one of their ginormous cinnamon rolls and split it four ways as an appetizer. Each quarter was the size of one regular sized cinnamon roll.

I got French toast and Chris got some breakfast platter with eggs and potatoes and sausage and a roll.

This place kind of reminds me of Twin Peaks for some reason. I've been watching it lately so it's on my mind.

People looked so different "back in the day"!

We came home after breakfast and I worked and then we went to Google to meet Dald for lunch.

He collects little Androids. They're everywhere in his office.

The Google office has everything. Even a photobooth.

In the early evening I took a nap, worked some more, then we went down to Ben Franklin to visit Allie and work.

Mr. Fox had fallen asleep in the car on the way there and he wasn't a happy camper when we woke him up. Saddest face ever!

Remind me to check out this cute little boy-themed line from Crate Paper!

My little mini me, aka Allie, has made some super cute samples around the store like this drawer cubbie thingamajig:

This darling box:

And even a layout of me pregnant with Fox!

I have a thing for ribbon.

Allie's 2nd job is making these tiles for the owner of Ben Franklin:

I'm so proud of her :)

Then we came home and watched more Modern Family. Luvin' being home!


  1. I love how you document your days with photos :)
    Everyone thinks I'm crazy in my family when I do the same thing. lol especially when I take pictures of my food. Haha. They just don't understand the life of a scrapbooker. ;)

  2. Paige—I look forward to reading your blog every morning when I get to work :) Makes my day go faster and I love all your photos you take! I always forget to take pics of the little things!
    Take care! :D

  3. LOOOOVE Modern Family! Can't wait to see you all Sunday for Easter with Eric! :)

  4. How exciting that your home and the weather has been beautiful! Especially today :)
    Maltby Cafe! Love it! We're going there after Sunday Easter service :):):):

  5. I want some more of that cinnamon planet! mmmmmmm!


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