The One with the Morning at Disneyland

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fox is going to be so mad some day when I show him all these pictures of our trips to Disneyland cuz he won't remember it one bit. Unless we still live close by Disneyland then it won't matter. In any case, last Friday Chris was at school alllll day taking his last finals so I took my baby to the happiest place on earth. I was expecting it to be suuuuuper busy because of Spring Break AND it was Friday, but it actually wasn't too bad when we first got there. It was really hot and sunny so I brought Fox's "Fox" embroidered Mickey hat. It's still a tad big, but won't be much longer with his 92 percentile size head!
We got right on the Jungle Cruise.
Then we got right on Pirates.
So excited for the next Pirates movie which they were promoting e'rywhere.
Then we got right on the Haunted Mansion.
Then we went on a ride I've never been on or knew existed: Winnie the Pooh!
It was a fun kiddy ride.
Then we got right the Casey Circus Train.
Pretty landscaping.
Love all the miniature models along the train/boat ride.
Take time to stop and smell the roses!
Then we got right on It's a Small World. Fox is totally making a "Paige face" in the right picture. That's my boy!
Woody and Jessie!
PhotobucketFox chilled in his stroller while I ate some lunch: a gumbo bread bowl.
He seriously smiles SO much at Disneyland.
Then it got super busy so we took a lap around the park on the train.
We ended the morning by taking a stroll through the Princess Fantasy Faire land cuz I'd never been to that part of the park before.
I've been watching Princess and the Frog practically every day (the tunes are so catchy and the story is quality!) Hopefully if we have a daughter someday I can dress her up in a pretty Princess Tiana dress!
Always a fun time at Disneyland! Hope we get to go a bunch more over the next few months before it gets too busy during the summer.


  1. He is cuter and cuter every time I see another picture! And I don't even know how that's possible!

  2. Paige--you take beautiful pictures. It make D-land look even happier! And Fox is adorable.

  3. Seriously... I know I say this every post... but Fox is the cutest baby EVER! That photo of him in front of the Railroad poster?!?!? OHMIGOSH!!! He is ADORABLE!!! Dang, I hope my baby is half as cute as yours! Truly. :-)

    And I just love your Disneyland posts! :-D Oh! And could you please, please get me some embroidered Mickey ears after my baby comes?! Pretty please?! Of course I'll send you the money, but I will just NEED them for baby's room. :-D

  4. I'm so jealous! I wish we had Disney in our backyard like you! :)

    Hopefully in the next few years we will take a big trip to Disney World for a few weeks. Isn't it just so magical? I have the best memories of it as a child. TFS!

  5. The Gardens are one of the best things about Disneyland! Fox looks so adorable!


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