The One with I Just Started Using Pinterest

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon this morning (thanks Holly - and everyone else who sent me a link - 'preciate it most sincerely!) cuz I'm tired of saving lovely/beautiful/inspiring images and then not remembering where I found them to give them credit and what not!
Problemo solved with Pinterest.
But even then, I still want to share some things I've found here on the bliggity blog :)

Simply gorgeous pillows from Ashley Ann's bedroom.

I don't know where I found this - see, this is why Pinterest is genius. It's a lovely scrap fabric wreath and I want to make one.

Mixed media streamers via RUCHE. Made of tulle, cotton fabric, coffee filters, and confetti streamers. I would love to dangle them from a tree and have a fun photoshoot.

Love this.

Saw this amazing floor on Design Sponge once upon a time. Who wants a plain ol' boring floor when you can have a PATTERNED floor?

From the oh-so-talented-and-hip-and-business-savvy-mom-and-I-don't-know-how-she-does-it-all Princess Lasertron.

Dern-it-all I don't know where I found this! But I want to design one for Fox's room!

Swooning over these luscious antique doors.

Radical terrariums via Assembly New York. I really think I might be able to keep succulent plants (is that what these are?) alive for more than a few weeks! Now it's just a matter of scraping up the dough cuz these cost a pretty penny...

This is such a pretty painting. I fancy it. Wish I knew who made it...

I'd like to try my hand at creating a cross-stitch or whatever this kind of sewing is called.

My dad sent me this. LOL. Can you imagine trying to eat all that frosting? I bet Adam from Man vs Food could do it.

Reyanna I think you sent me a link to this - do you still have the origins? They're pretty play mats!

I took this photo myself so I know where it came from! It was a GAP ad I saw in the window of their Pasadena store a few months ago and it's the coolest way I've ever seen clothes displayed in an ad. Bright colors = so me!

More gorgeous pillows. And check out the funktacular pink rug!

I'd like to implement this design on a scrapbooking layout and instead of using fabric I'd use patterned paper.

I know we've got awhile until Fox has his own big-boy bed, but seriously, how cute are these beds from Matrix Online? I don't know if we'd ever see him again, he'd stay in and around his bed all day!

Genius and cheap way to store ribbon! Mine is all stuffed into freezer bags where it's out of sight, out of mind. This way they're paper-clipped up by color on rings and very easily accessible - just trim what you need and go!

This is just a screen shot so I have absolutely no idea where it came from - blast! But, it's wicked cute and a fun craft that can be done with kids - just find some random magazines or patterned paper, cut, and glue! And at the end of the day you'll have cute and functional gentile reminders.

I'm thinking a trip to the fabric store is in order to get some spools to make one of these!!


It's true, I do love you Mom :) Ransom-note collage made by Susan Farrington. She's got lots of sweet collage-style stuff on her site.
Including this!

Trippy clock.

Such a fun way to display random things!

This picture makes me want to stamp more.

After working at American Crafts for 20 months I learned a thing or two about fonts and which ones are no-no's. Namely, Papyrus and Comic Sans. So this makes me laugh cuz I GET it!

What I wouldn't give to have this headboard!

I love when simple, everyday objects are turned into works of art. Especially when kids can get involved - like with this: painting clothespins!

This would be such a great item to have to store all my random knick-knacks! Where oh where did I find this...

I dig these collages. If you know you made them, lemme know.

These cupcakes look much too beautiful to eat! I want to learn how to make 'em.

And last but certainly not least - I saw this on my soon-to-be sister-in-law's blog (via Utah Bride Blog) and I too wish I had the hair to make this lavish braid - not just for special events but for everyday wear too!

I solemnly swear to never post my inspirational finds without complete links ever again! Thanks to Pinterest, I think that will be possible.


  1. Love Pinterest. I am waiting not so patiently for my invite. Darn waiting lists!

  2. Yay, welcome to Pinterest! I had to pin a few of these pictures -- stunning finds. Find me on P @: thebuttonhole

  3. Ahhh...everyone is talking about this Pinterest stuff...I need to get on it. Ditto about the darn waiting list.

  4. I'm a new pinterest addict, as well! :)

    Here is some info on the collages:

  5. Yay, welcome to Pinterest! I'm addicted for sure, so many great ideas on there!

  6. Hey I have been out of town so I wanted to comment on a few things. First that Oreo picture is funny! Also I loved your Disneyland pics and your Anniversary pics! Thats amazing that Fox is seven months! Time flies! That Fox themed baby shower is clever. Glad you are well, you look great by the way!

  7. aww, love the shout-out!
    P.S. those oreos look DEVINE!

  8. it took me a while to get on board, too, but now I LOVE Pinterest! It's fun how you can see "your style" developing into specific things from looking at a collection of what you love. Off to pin some of these now!

  9. I love PinInterest too...I try not to look at it all the time cause I would spend entirely too much time there and I already am on Facebook enough!

  10. Yup, it was me (it's on my Pinterest too. LOL)! Here's the source:

    And also, here's that kid art (which I also love):

    *and you got a comment from Ashley Ann! You lucky, lucky girl! ;-)

  11. I am dying over here over the comic sans sign. hilarious

  12. I just joined Pinterest this week too. I am OBSESSED! What's your name on there? I'd love to follow you!

  13. All hail princess lasertron! Love her. Love the comic sans photo and that braid! I'd die for that braid!


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