The One with our 4th Anniversary and My 1st Official Mother's Day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Today is a double extra special day in the Evans household! It's our 4th anniversary AND my 1st official Mother's Day! (and, FYI, my birthday is on the 28th so take note cuz there will be a quiz later :)

First things first though, happy Mother's Day to my own Malm. Without her, I wouldn't be here. (Well, without her + my Dald, but let's keep it G-rated up in here please!)
I love the scripture from Proverbs 22:6, which is framed and hung on my parent's bathroom wall: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." My mom was the perfect example to me all while growing up and it's because of her that I am where I am today and doing the things I'm doing. I'm honest to goodness happy and I know a lot of that stems from my upbringing. Love you Malm!

Aaaaand, today is our fourth anniversary!
Four years ago today Chris and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Nauvoo, Illinois temple.
It's been such a wonderful journey, words can't do it justice. Therefore, I'll let pictures do the talking!

We met on January 22nd 2004 in an art history class. And the rest is history! We spent a few wonderful months together falling madly in love, then he left on September 1st 2004 to serve a two year LDS mission in the Philippines.

No pictures of us together in 2005. He was still on his mission and I was off having fun on a study abroad and earning a BA in Art Education.

Chris returned from his mission in July 0f 2006 and we picked up right where we left off. I went with his family to the very first Evans Family Reunion in Colorado the day after he got home from his mission. I even got an Evans family t-shirt. Good thing it worked out eh? We got engaged in November.

After a six month (what felt like forever!) engagement we got married on May 8th 2007. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning. You can read all about our wedding here. We started our lives together as college students at BYU in Provo, UT in a crummy but perfect cuz home-is-wherever-Chris-is-at apartment.

I graduated from BYU and started working full-time and Chris started studying hard core to get into dental school. We loved being newlyweds and went on many fun adventures.

Chris got accepted to the USC School of Dentistry so in August we packed up all of our belongings, said good-bye to wonderful and peaceful Provo, then moved to crazy and fun LA.

We've loved living in LA where there's always something going on. We will always remember 2010 as the year we became parents. Fox Thomas was born one day early on October 14th 2010, 79 months to the day after Chris asked me to be his girlfriend.

So far 2011 has been amazing. We're figuring out this parenting business and Fox is our pride and joy.

And last but not least, it's because of this little nugget that I can say happy Mother's Day to me!
I never thought I could love something so much as I do this little human being.

Happy Mother's Day 2011!


  1. Hope you had a great Mother's Day/Anniversary :)

  2. Happy Anniversary...and Happy Mother's Day!!!

    Your wedding pictures look beautiful. What an awesome place to get married.

  3. Happy Anniversary and Happy Mothers Day! :)

  4. I'm a first time commenter, but long time reader...I just wanted to say happy anniversary! It's my anniversary too. We're celebrating 5 years today. And happy mother's day.

  5. Happy Anniversary P and C!! Happy Mother's Day too. Celebrate by giving Fox a M&M for me :)

  6. Fox and I are the luckiest guys in the world to have you in our lives. We love you!!!

  7. Paige! You're the best mom ever to fox! I can tell. I looove all of the collages you made :)

  8. Hi paigerini! Thanks for your cute mom's day wishes. I've lived being the mom to you and Allie and Eric. And happy anniversary too. Your wedding day is one of my favorite memories.

  9. Happy 1st Mother's Day to my fellow 1st Mother's Day girl! Also, happy anniversary. Chris looks so young in those wedding pictures -- is it fatherhood or dental school that's aging him? Old man, Chris!

  10. Love it that we share our anniversary!! :-) Happy Anniversary and Happy First Official Mother's Day!! Yay!!!!

  11. Happy Mother's Day! that bar mitzvah, crazy!


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