The One with Fox at Nine Months

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fox has made leaps and bounds in the physical and mental development departments in the last month. Here's how he measures up at 9 months:

Length: 28.75" (between 50-70%)
Weight: 20 pounds 8.8 ounces (50%)
Head circumference: 18.5" (90%)

The day Fox turned 8 months old was the very first night he slept 12 hours straight through. And it continued three nights in a row, then the fourth night he woke up once, then he slept three nights all the way through again, then one night of waking up once, so on and so forth. But pretty much, he's sleeping all the way through the night and wow what a difference it has made! It only took 8 months!
Fox got his very first tooth on Father's Day - June 19th 2011. A gift to his daddy the future dentist. He now has a second bottom tooth popping through and I think his top teeth will be making their appearance shortly. He was pretty fussy when they were first breaking through the skin, but now he's back to his normal happy self!
We brushed his teeth for the first time and have continued to do so nightly. Dr. Evans is on top of that!
I've been so worried that Fox wouldn't be able to crawl because I see all these other babies much younger than Fox around me crawling like it's their job. So Chris read up on some tricks and tips to help Fox get underway. Here's Fox flopping around like a fish out of water around 8 months:
And now, he's learned to prop himself up on all fours and rock back and forth! A milestone he learned in Kauai! You have no idea how happy this makes me. This is the step just before crawling right? He can also go from up on all fours to sitting up. That's a big deal!
This video of Fox in his bouncer will always be a favorite of mine. He's just bouncing around and then he looks up and sees me and starts bouncing like a maniac!
Between 8 and 9 months Fox learned how to turn the pages of a book. It's so amazing to be able to teach him things!
Chris taught him how to high-five! Now we're working on waving.
We retired the bumbo. He was sitting in it and tried to get out and almost toppled over so it was time to go away. Crises averted!
Fox used to like sitting on grass but now he’s figured out that it’s kind of itchy and pointy and scratchy and screams like a girl whenever we set him down on it.
No matter how flashy or fun the baby toys are we give Fox, whatever we’re holding is more interesting to him. You can’t kid him with a fake cell phone, he wants the real deal. And forget little toy cars, he wants TV remotes!
Fox has a new cackle laugh. He still does he belly laugh, but this one is new and reserved just for us. I haven't caught it on video yet, but his regular laugh is still the best.
Oh boy. Changing diapers and getting him dressed is a new task since he’s decided he hates it. We have to pin him down and play wrestle every time we change his diaper and twice a day when we change him into his clothes and then into his pajamas. Silly Fox, don’t you know we’re just trying to help you out?
A couple weeks ago we thought he had an ear infection because he was so cranky and tugging on his ear. So we took him to the doctor and he was checked out. No ear infection (woo hoo – still no ear infections to date!) but it was also by the doctor who said Fox was fine and then 4 hours later we rushed him to the ER when he was 8 weeks old and he stayed in the hospital for a week cuz he had RSV… But the doctor said it’s probably just referred pain from his teeth. And also his hair that’s growing longer every day could be tickling the tops of his ears hehe.
Fox doesn't suck on his pacifier, he chews it...
Forget sitting, Fox just wants to stand all day!
I just can't get enough of my baby boy!


  1. Don't worry about the crawling took my nephew a while... I don't think he was that interested when people were always bringing him things...he figured out how to walk much quicker...he was more interested in that. :)

  2. My brother never crawled, but he walked before I did. I have to say watching Fox grow up is really bad for me because it's making me get all broody :D, he looks such a sweetie

  3. he is darling paige! what a sweet boy. my jonah didn't crawl until 10 months- don't worry. every baby has their own time table. looks like he will take off any day :)

  4. 10 months?! F. Tom is getting so old. Where has the time gone? We're excited to see him in less than a month.
    P.S. We watched the fish out of water video a lot. Dat be funny.

  5. I miss that little boy, boy. He's so cuddly and fun and it's so much fun to see how much he loves you. You done good!

  6. oh my goodness. I think I have the cutest nephew ever! I can't wait to see until he's ONE year old!


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