The One with FOX CRAWLS!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

10 days ago I was lamenting about what a failure I am cuz my baby couldn't crawl. Well, take THIS stupid checklist! My baby can sooooo crawl now! (Why couldn't his doctor appointment have been scheduled for tomorrow?) Granted he only crawls a few inches or feet at a time, for only seconds at a time, but heck, I'll take it!
Call me crazy, but now I wish he'd stay put for a little longer haha, cuz holy moly you have to keep your eyes glued to this little booger! I'm so proud of you Fox! Next step: walking. So we can take him trick-or-treating right after his first birthday of course :)


  1. awe - see, you worried for nothing! Now you are in for a whole bunch of chasing:)

  2. Go Fox go!!! He will get fast quick!!

  3. That's so cute. He was a millimeter from crawling when he was just here. I like the part in the video where his arms and his legs are going at different speeds -- kind of like 4wd -- when one set of wheels is spinning, the others keep going.

  4. And it starts! Mr. Fox is now mobile! Get ready to chase him! LOL enjoy your little man...

    See only good moms worry for nothing!

  5. YAY! Funny enough Alyssa WALKED tonight too!! ha ha!

  6. the timing for this is also wonderful because crawling also makes air travel much more difficult. at least it did for abigail and me. ;-)

  7. OH, Paige--you are NOT a failure!! Just remember that:)

    As for Fox crawling--it's too cute:) He is super adorable! Enjoy this time--soon he will be walking...and going to school....driving....time flies:)


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