The One with Veronica's Baby Shower

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The baby boom continues! I'm tellin' ya, if you want to get pregnant, just move to South Pasadena. There is something in the water, I'm sure of it. There are at least a dozen girls with preggo eggos around here. But not me man - get off my back, Fox is only 9 months old! :)

My friend Melissa and I threw a shower for Veronica who is having her second baby girl, Kylie Rae (how cute is that name?!) in a few weeks. I was in charge of decorations and I had so much fun making the banners and garlands and placing the balloons!

Here's the name banner close up:
I punched (what seemed like) hundreds of scalloped circles from the Peachy Keen line by American Crafts along with matching colors of cardstock, cut them all in half, and then stitched them together across the tops. Super quick and easy garlands to hang everywhere!
Here's the front porch festivized.
Veronica had the brilliant idea to have a bow-making table where everyone could take a few minutes and make a little headband for Kylie. So I made this banner to go across Fox's doorway:
Here it is in place:
Originally the table was set up in Fox's room, but then it felt like we were all separated so we moved it out into the dining room with the food table. This is when it was still in Fox's room.
For food (cuz what party is complete without food?!) we had a waffle bar! Melissa and I volunteered our husbands to man the waffle makers. We had fruit toppings like strawberries, bananas, and blueberries as well as sugary toppings like two kinds of syrup, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, and whipped cream, along with sides of fruit, muffins and croissants, and milk and juice to drink. Fit for a queen!

Here's the guest of honor and Veronica, hehe.
Notice all the paper clips on her shirt - that was part of the game. Everyone got three paper clips and every time you heard someone say "Baby", "Cute", or "Girl" you took one of her paperclips. The word that got us all was "cute." Try going five seconds at a baby shower without saying "cute!" It's impossible!

Opening presents! A girl can never have too many hair accessories!

Rachel and Joey have had a little too much fun destroying all the balloons. I call it: The Great Balloon Massacre of July 2011.

For now I'm leaving the garlands up - I like the pop of color!
Thanks for having a baby V and giving me an excuse to decorate :)


  1. Look at those decorations, cute, cute, cute! Love the banners!

  2. aww everything looks amazing! i love the setup its adorable!! <3

  3. Beautiful banner! Love the colors you chose:) So happy and fun!

  4. So sad to have missed it. Looked great ladies!!!

  5. love that banner, paige! looks might AC to me, hehe. ;)


  6. how cute are your decorations!! looks like a FUN party!

  7. Wow, GORGEOUS decorations!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Those banners are amazing

  8. You are the hostess with the mostess! My word verification was: partilit! I thought that was appropriate!

  9. your craftiness astounds!! so good pegs!


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