The One with How's This for Random

Saturday, September 10, 2011

We've been busy over here! Working, scrapping, mommying, cleaning, visiting, running errands, the usual. Between this and that I've been playing around with my new camera and I must say, I'm in love. Here is a picture, unedited just cropped to size, with my old camera:
And here's the same shot with my new camera, unedited just cropped to size:
Drastic difference for the better! Yippee!

Here are some other pics of this and that from the past few days:

He and Fox get along so great. Joey is so patient with Fox and lets the little booger grab him, pull him, and climb all over him.

Turns out Chris can easily make those finger invitations for me, so here they are in the beginning stages!
Chris likes to hand me one and say, "I just gave you the finger." Ha ha ha... I can't wait to put them all together and give them out!


Playing on the swing at the park.

My little sister left for college at BYU Idaho this week. I'm so proud of her!
My parents are now empty-nesters. I bet that's a majorly hard adjustment.

Whelp. That's all I've got for now!
Happy 09-10-11!


  1. GREAT shot with the new camera! I know it's always fun to play with the new toy! Thanks for sharing the happy photos!

  2. She will love BYU-I! She'll freeze in the winter, hate the wind and maybe fall down on an icy sidewalk or get too stuffed on a Big Jud's burger but she will love it. REALLY love it. My husband and I both went there when it was Ricks.

  3. Okay... when I saw your post before with the finger invites I was really hopping you would make them and share how it went. I've always wanted to make those. I think they are weirdly cool. haha

    Cute layout photo too :)

  4. OK---I've got to get that camera! What a difference! And OH MY! I cannot believe Chris can make those finger invites! That is AMAZING:) I cannot CANNOT wait to see the final invite;)

  5. when i saw the picture of the fingers but before i saw the caption i was totally thinking of "give you the finger" type jokes so i'm glad i'm not the only one.

    and ps- that's something my chris would do too. they are so alike sometimes.

  6. I want to know HOW to make those finger invites... please PLEASE PLEASE do a blog on that! Looking forward to that!


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