The One with Meet My New Best Friend

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meet my new best friend, Niki:
I've been wanting, no, NEEDING (one in the same right? haha) a really great camera for a really long time now. I blog like pretty much daily, should not my pictures be up to par? Granted, Adobe Photoshop Actions can make even the most ghastly picture beautiful with a click of a button. But one less button I have to push will save me seconds which adds up to minutes which adds up to hours and time = money. So anyways, I've been saving up for awhile now and today was the big purchase day.

I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship :)
Off to read the 82 page user's manual!


  1. You will love it!! We should get together and have Nikon day :)

  2. congrats on your purchase! im still stuck considering nikon or canon. how did you finally decide on nikon?

  3. Yay! My Mom just gifted me her old Canon 30D. I LOVE it but now I just need to blog more! She came up this weekend and rented 2 different lenses for us to play with. You're going to love your camera!!

  4. Congrats on the purchase. I am thinking of Nikon and my hubby Canon....Hmmm!!!how did you decide bet. the two as I felt Canon also is equally good. Tough

  5. Yay! Congrats Paige - enjoy your new friend - I'm sure you are going to take some amazing photos with that baby :)

  6. awww...huge contracts to you Paige!!! I can imagine how excited you must be - enjoy!!!

  7. I just ordered my own camera baby yesterday! :) So exciting!!

  8. can't wait to see the beautiful pictures that come from this beautiful relationship!

  9. Yeah for fancy cameras! I'm so excited for you.

  10. serious jealousy over here! I want one soley for the purpose of taking better pics of my sweet angel. I swore I would have one and know how to use it before she got here, but of course life doesn't work that way when your money tree just won't grow! I planted that penny ages ago... still no green! What the heck!

  11. OHHH! Super super jealous! I love that you named her Niki! I cannot wait to Trav a camera like this--he is so interested in photography!

  12. Lol! Love that you named her Niki! I too have a Niki that I love... she's the best! Can't wait to see all your gorgeous new photography that you and Niki create together :)

  13. It looks like a match made in heaven!

  14. YAY!! I love mine! I still don't know how to use it manual mode and it's almost been 2 years, but I love it still - I'm a Nikon, too! :D

  15. Congrats!! I'm still learning my new camera too. My Gparents helped me get a new Canon last month. Can't wait to see all your beautiful photos taken with you new camera!

  16. Congratulations on your new baby! Have fun taking many many pictures. I can't wait to see them all. I got my new one for Christmas this past year and oh man..I love it. I'm a Canon girl ;D


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