The One with For Chris

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chris is gone to Mexico for a few days for a dental thing-a-ma-jig. This is the first time he's ever left me more than one night (and the one night was only that - one night!)! I'm usually the one ditching him! So, we're staying busy, playing outside, getting work done while he naps, running errands, watching Little Einsteins, eating candy...oops... It's almost Halloween? So these are for your Chris! We're surviving but we sure miss you!
Fox says, "Miss you Daddy! Come home soon!"


  1. these pictures are just the cutest! especially that last one! LOVE!

  2. I LOVE that picture in the crib!! We're missing Blake too! If you get get tired of S. Pas, come visit! :)

  3. I love this post! Thanks, love! I miss you too sooooooo much!

  4. What a SWEET post! The last photo of Fox is SOOOOO adorable!!

  5. Wow, he looks like a kid! (this is dald)

  6. OMG, I love that face!!! He's so stinkin' cute!!!

  7. my goodness. hes a cute little goober. that first picture makes me smile so big!

  8. have you guys done hand impressions of fox like you did for the finger invitations?

    i saw it on my friends blog (she said her old dentist used to do it for you if you had a new baby) and of course it made me think of you and chris. if you do it, post pictures!

  9. Oh MY!!! He is adorable Paige!!!! If my Bryson is even half as cute as Fox is I'll be one happy Mamma :)


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