The One with Fox at 1 Year

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy first birthday Fox! This is the birthday boy when he woke up this morning:
Time to paaaaartaaaay!

I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BABY IS ONE YEAR OLD! WHERE DID THE TIME GO? (I know I know, EVERY mom says that, but what can I say except it's true true true? I guess time flies when you're having fun!)

Length: 30.5" (50-75%)
Weight: 21 pounds (25-50%)
Head circumference: 19" (90-95%)

Here's a compilation of baby Fox to big boy Fox - 1 month to 1 year.
My how he's grown!

Eye color: Gray gray gray! They stayed gray! Hooray!

Hair color: Light brown and wavy. I love the little curls he's got goin' on the back of his head.

Teeth: Four molars popped through over a span of a week. That was a fun week, lemme tell ya... So now he has 6 on top and 7 on bottom. How many more to go?? He's used his crib as a teething ring.

Nap/sleep schedule: Wake up at 7am, nap 9-10am, nap 2-3pm, sleep 7pm-7am. Give or take here and there. He's got some great bedhead.

Tricks on command: "Peek-a-boo", claps, high fives, and gives me big slobbery kisses.

He's a great sharer and always offers me and Chris and Joey a bite of whatever he's eating.

He's such a little boy. I don't know how to describe it. Just quick, jerky movements and moments of spazziness I guess! Boys will be boys :)

He loves "driving" his car and looking at himself in the mirror.

Does "uh oh" count as his first word? Cuz he says it whenever he drops something!

Fox points at things and can even point to pictures of himself on the wall.

He's becoming fascinated with the laundry machine.

Fox LOOOOVES to be outside. All day. Every day. Rain or shine.
He doesn't walk on his own yet, has only taken one step once, but we're at the stage where he's walking comfortably with just one of my hands for assistance. Soon enough! I'm not worrying about walking like I was with crawling.

One of his favorite things to do is chase Rachel the cat, pin her down, and press his head against her soft fur and rotund belly.
Poor Rachel. She doesn't reciprocate the love but she's tolerating it much better than she used to.

We discovered he loves M&Ms and popcorn.
Speaking of food, he is so over being hand fed. He's pretty much a self eater now which is making me think harder about what we eat!

I'll end with a collage of my all-time favorite pictures of Fox's first year.
I think we'll keep him :)

Happy first birthday Fox! We love you!


  1. aw Paige this was awesome. Congrats and Happy Birthday Fox!!

  2. I loved this post! Fox is so lucky to have such good records of his childhood. And so are we! I am in disbelief in regard to how FAST this year went. It still feels like we just got him! But, at the same time, it seems like we have always had him. I love you, Fox. Happy 1st birthday! And many, many more!

  3. i'm pretty much obsessed with his little bed head action. too precious!!
    xo TJ

  4. Happy Birthday Fox!! Love the pictures of him with Rachel. His kisses are the cutest thing ever. Just think.... in 18 years he'll be going to college....

  5. Awwww...he's the cutest! Happy birthday Fox! :)

  6. Happy Birthday cute little one.

    Can't wait to see all the party pics!

  7. Yeah!!!! Happy Birthday, Fox! And... happy baby-versary to Mommy & Daddy!

  8. I love putting M&Ms in my popcorn. Fox should come on over and we'll eat them together. Happy Birthday, Buddy! And Happy Birthday from Cousin Ev, too.

  9. P.S. Uh-oh totally counts as his first word since he says it deliberately.

  10. Awww... I love this post... He is so cute and wonderful :) he will be very thankful to his parents by recording his childhood memories so well ;D

  11. Hooray! He is SOOOO adorable! Just keeps getting cuter. :-D Thanks for this fabulous birthday post. Loved it. :-)

    p.s. and worth the wait... ;-)

  12. Thanks for sharing all the photos!! Happy birthday Fox. Some of the things you listed remind me so much of Alex when he was that age. Maybe that is how boys are!!! Can't wait to see the birthday photos.

  13. Awwww, Happy Birthday Fox!!! Loving the photos. I always tell my girls that their hair had a party last night when they wake up with crazy bed head hair like the photo of Fox above. Too cute!

  14. Happy Bday little Foxy! It's been great to see you grow!

  15. Happy Birthday Fox!!! (and YAY! to Mommy & Daddy!)

  16. I don't personally know him, but I think I love him! Happy Birthday Fox!

  17. Happy Birthday Fox! Love all the photos Paige!

  18. Happy happy birthday, Fox!!!! You are such a handsome little one--LOVE your smile:) I enjoy seeing pics of you as you grow up!!! Hope you enjoyed your special day eating LOTS of cake!!! Psalm 118:24

    Paige--I cannot believe a year has passed! You are such an amazing mom--taking so many pics and cherishing all these moments! I cannot pick a fav picture--although the one with him on the cat is SUPER cute! Poor kitty! HUGS:)

  19. Happy Birthday Mr.Fox. It has been such a joy to watch while you grow up. And a big pat on the back to you Paige for one year on Mommyhood!

  20. Happy birthday Fox! He shares his birthday with Scarlett! ;)


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