The One with Redmond Days 6 and 7

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First - the winner of Kelly's Sketchpad Class is (drumroll please):
Wendi Robinson! Congrats Wendi! Email me at paigetaylorevans at gmail dot com and I'll have Kelly hook you up.

Onto the post:
I'm baaaaack! (In LA that is). Hopefully daily posts will start up again now that I'm in my routine. I had such a blast at home. I can't believe how fast it went! Here's what happened the last couple days:

Fox has been waking up between 4 and 5am the entire trip. Try explaining Daylight Savings to a 1 year old. He doesn't quite grasp it.
My dad wasn't feeling too hot yesterday so he worked from home. For lunch we went to the one and only (well, technically there are two now, but both are in Seattle) Mae Phim! No trip home is complete without eating at Mae Phim. It's only the best Thai food in the world. We drove across the 520 floating bridge to get into Seattle.
I would love to live in a house on the edge of a lake some day. I don't think I'd ever tire of the views of rippling and reflective water.
Hello Seattle!
We drove right by the Columbia Tower on our way to Mae Phim. I've only been to the top of it once and I really want to go again! Hopefully next time.
We found a primo parking spot then walked to the hole-in-the-wall restaurant known as Mae Phim.
My dad served his mission in Thailand so he likes to order in Thai. It always catches the employees off-guard and I smile. That's my dad!
I order the same exact meal every time (why change a good thing?) - the #14 Mae Phim Special: chicken sauteed in yellow curry sauce with cashew nuts, bell peppers, and onions. Hold the bell peppers.
Sooooooo good.

While I was in el bano Dald snapped a pic of Foxy.
After lunch we walked down the street so I could take a few pictures of this beautiful vine-covered building.
Had to take a picture of Grandpa Tom and Fox in front of this painted mural!
Mt. Rainier. So majestic.
While Fox was taking his afternoon nap I walked around the house, camera in hand. Timothy the tarantula is alive and well.
My dad's ham radio collection is still growing. He needs more radios like I need more shoes!
My parents just finished painting all the white walls bluish gray. The entire house feels warm and cozy now.
Note to self: Try paperweaving scrapbooking paper strips like this bench my dad made:

Fox woke up at 4:30 this morning (heaven help me) and we finished packing and were on our way to the airport by 7:30am. I found a playroom for him to, well, play in!
(I tried not to think about the germs... thank goodness for hand sanitizer!)

We boarded the plane and settled in for our 4.5 hour flight - should only be 3 hours, but there are no direct flights from Seattle to LA on Southwest. We made a pit stop in Salt Lake City. I wanted to get off so badly! Oh well, we're going there in just a couple weeks for Thanksgiving. Poor Fox has a cold so he has to breathe through his mouth and that's why it's always open in recent pics.
A nice lady gave him a sucker to help with ear pressure.
Of course he was awake the entire two flights until the very last 10 minutes. That boy. He's a nutter.
Tomorrow I'm teaching at the CRAFT Beach Retreat! Should be full of kicks and jollies!


  1. I'm so glad you two are home! All is right with the world now!

  2. Wow... your parents have a beautiful home!! I love the color they chose for the wall! Awesome! Can't wait to see how you weave paper!!!

    All of those ham radios... crazy! How long has he been collecting them?

    Kids definitely do not understand DST.... mine still don't and they are 6 and almost 8. Maybe one day soon.

    Glad you made it back safe and sound!!!

  3. LOVED reading about your trip to Seattle. Several of my friends went a few years ago and they always talk about how beautiful it was up there... I'd love to be able to visit sometime.

  4. thanks so much for sharing those pics, looks like your trip home is going well! I hear ya on the waking up early thing, Zachary is doing the same, no matter how late I put him to bed, 5:00 a.m., he's yelling into the monitor, "ma!!" ugh...gotta love em!

  5. oh gosh, the newly painted walls are fabulous! i love the vine building, and the picture of mount rainier is so beautiful. miss it!
    xo TJ

  6. Well it looks like you had a great time!! And I love your parents pool area! My sister has a similar room and lives in Oregon...wonder if its common where there's not alot of sun..

  7. thank you thank you thank you!!!!! totally made my day!!!!

    BTW loved seeing all your trip photos and your parents house is amazing!!! wow...

  8. gorgeous photos of seattle, that was lake washington - right? i really need to go back there soon!

    have you heard of the firefighter stairclimb each spring at the columbia tower? amazing. hundreds of firefighters in FULL gear climbing all 69 flights as fast as they can. it's pretty impressive!

  9. Your photos are stunning, Fox is adorable and that lunch of yours has made me hungry! LOL! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog!

  10. I'm so glad you post your captions above the pictures! I was able to scroll real fast over the picture of the tarantula. :)

    The rest of the pics were great! :)

  11. LOOOOOVE these photos--they are beautiful! LOVE the photos of the house....and I LOVE your dad's radio collection! So glad you made it home safely!!!

    ps...Fox is soooooooo good on planes!

  12. i love all the pictures except the one of timothy. yuck.


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