The One with the Rest of Thanksgiving Vacation

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

These are just some pics from the rest of our Thanksgiving holiday.

I loved waking up and seeing Mt. Timpanogas every morning. One of the prettiest mountains in the world, IMHO.

Black Friday shopping.

My cousin and sister-in-law. I just love these girls.

My grandparent's have a sweet view of the Provo temple and surrounding city.

Fox mesmerized by his uncle and aunt.

Getting into mischief.

Are we a Mac family or what? It's hard to tell...

Joey Joey bo boey bo nana fanna fo foey. Me mi mo moey. Joey!

Grandpa Tedder the Gooder and Better and Joey relaxing and reading by the fire.

This single wreath made the entire room smell like Christmas! I love the smell of pine!

The anatomy of a tantrum. We'll talk more about this in his 14 month update in a couple weeks...

We opted to drive home later in the day instead of super early in the morning. We made the mistake of coming home when everyone else and their dogs were going back home too. Took 10.5 hours instead of 9. Which isn't too bad. But every minute counts!
Fox took a nap as soon as we started driving, woke up for a few hours, then fell asleep for the night. The problem though was he kept waking up and tried to roll over onto his stomach the way he sleeps in his crib but that couldn't happen. So. We haven't decided which way is better - early morning or late at night. Six of one, half dozen of the other. Undecided. Stalemate.

I'll save the best picture/story for last:
Instead of seeing Santa in the hospital like last Christmas, we actually lined up to see him. This was the one and only picture the photographer took. It couldn't be beat! I hope we can do this every year until he gets too big. I love making new traditions!

And that concludes our Thanksgiving festivities posts. Back to reality! Until Christmas vacation that is :)


  1. hahaha oh god tantrums!

    black friday shopping was the
    best .. did you get a lot of
    good sales love?


  2. I loved that Fox was so happy to see Santa! Cool pictures of the vacay. Timp is quite picturesque, and the tanturm pictures are hilarious.

  3. LOVE the santa photo. I had so much fun in Utah with you paige! I miss you and Fox already. hopefully ill see you soon!

  4. I'll have to dig out the picture I have of you when you were that age in a very lovely tantrum. I'm so glad you had a nice time in Utah. I sure missed you!

  5. yay, all of these pictures are brilliant! love that one of grandpa ted and joey. too cute!
    oh, and fox's tantrums! can't wait to catch up on the 14th month update soon!!
    xo TJ

  6. Gotta love the tantrums! My daughter gets so funny, we cant help but laugh at her! (shes two on friday, going on 16)
    Santa pictures are always either the best or the worst, always funny!

  7. Paige!!! That picture on Santa is soooo sweet!!! Lyssa screamed :( Happy Holidays!

  8. Love the sweet picture of him and Santa. What a doll.

  9. The tantrum picture made me laugh and I love the Santa picture, but my favorite was the "stalemate" picture of Fox and Joey cause they are BOTH smiling!

  10. Fox is so CUTE! He seems so happy to be on Santa's lap! Smart kid. :)

  11. I like Fox's fair isle sweater alot.

  12. Oh, how I love your photos! Such good times! Even the tantrum ones make me smile, truly, because every moment and stage is precious. Even when it doesn't feel like it at the time. :)

  13. LOL! I just cannot get over that last photo of Fox and Santa!! LOOOOOVE!!!

  14. Gorgeous photos Paige!! I really do love those ones of Fox throwing a tantrum though...hee hee Sure I will have some of Xavier doing the same thing in about 10 months!! ha ha ha

  15. We made the mistake of driving back from Utah during the day too, but it took us 13 hours!!


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