The One with Currently Reading

Monday, December 19, 2011

One of my 27 before I turn 27 goals is to read a book every month. So far so good!








I enjoy most books I read. Likewise I enjoy most movies I see. I'm all about entertainment!
I don't really have a favorite genre - I'll read whatever anybody tells me is good! So if you have recommendations, speak now or forever hold your peace.

As for reviews, I'll leave that to my better half. He reads like it's nobody's business and writes stellar reviews of everything on his blog. His review of The Help will be posted Wednesday morning. I'm curious what he thought of it. I loved it!

Okay, I'm leaving the computer now to delve back into Ender's Game - I'm hooked! So much so, I'm really starting to like the name Ender... Adding it to "the master list".


  1. Ender's Game is Gerrit's favorite book. He also likes the name Ender, but possibly because the only names he likes are ones with connections to science fiction.

  2. My favorite author is Marian Keyes. Chick lit with a bit of humour.
    Ps I loved your q&a post. I like how real you are on your blog.

  3. great reading list! i'm going to add to my list :)


  4. I LOVED the books...
    The maze runner &
    Hunger game series

    Your awesome for reading so much!! I need to get into a good just does something to your soul, something wonderful! Thanks for sharing the books you enjoy, maybe Ill check one out.

  5. I just read 'In the Company of Angels' - a historical fiction about the Willie handcart company that crossed that plains way late in the season.

    It was my first time reading something like that and I loved it! I cried at the end. Put it on your list! It's a good one.

  6. Love your list. Since you like animals, you might like The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. I've also just started the Hunger Games series and I'm hooked.

  7. Cane River by Lalita Tademy! So good.

  8. I know someone who named their girl Ender because of the book. Funny. Good job on the reading! I read Heaven is for Real by Burpo on my trip recently. It's super fast to read and SO interesting. I also LOVED Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. SOOOO good. Both amazing true stories.

  9. A great book to get lost in - The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. Also high on my list of faves would be The Time Traveler's Wife. I've never seen the movie. I refuse to. I love the book so much and don't want to be disappointed in the movie.

  10. We're reading The Book Thief in Jan. for book club! I love that this book club motivates me to read books I would not naturally be drawn to. Happy Reading!

  11. My favorite is Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plums mystery books and am currently #77 on the waiting list at my library for her latest book "Explosive 18"...I've moved up on the waiting list, I startede out as #138!! Can't wait for the movie "One for the Money" to come out January 27!! woo hoo!!

  12. My kids got me a kindle for my birthday and I love it! But the problen is when I read I don't get anything done lol! I'm reading Stuart Woods now...the Stone Barrington series and I love them! I will have to read some of these on your list!

  13. Ender's Game is Jeremy's favorite book! :-D

    Annnnnnd... we have friends who just named their little boy Ender, after Ender in the book. They were in our birthing class, so Hattie and Ender are just about a month apart or so. Fun. :-)

  14. Okay, I am so bummed that I've wasted the last 7 months NOT having a 27 before 27 list!!! You are so stinking cute! I think I may have to steal this one.. ;)


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