The One with How to Change Your Favicon

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The latest and greatest blogger feature - which more people are finding out about on their own but just in case you didn't know like I didn't until a couple weeks ago - changing your favicon! What's a favicon you ask? It's the small icon or image that appears next to your blog URL at the top of your web browser.
It also shows up in reader, bookmarks, certain phone apps, etc. It, like, defines you in a tiny little nutshell! They're super small so you have to think of/design something mini that you love and want to represent you. Mine is just a scripty "E" for Evans. I've seen hearts, stars, initials, orange slices, colored pencils, flowers, leaves... really anything is possible as long as it's visible at 16x16 pixels. So here's what you gotta do:

Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on Design.

Lo and behold, there's the new feature right there on the top left side under "Add and Arrange Page Elements"! Click on "Edit" by Favicon.

Choose the picture/image/logo that you've designed (make sure it's less than 100 kb) and save that baby!
Sometimes it takes a few days for the change to take effect, but patience is a virtue and soon enough your blog will be extra hip!

PS - Can I share a little toot? (As in, something I've accomplished, not flatulence :) - someone bought one of my calendars today and when I was writing the address on the envelope I noticed it was going to a suite called ETSY in Brooklyn, New York. I looked on Etsy for their contact info and it was the same address! Someone from Etsy bought one of my calendars! When I inquired further she said it's for a book club exchange. Feelin' pretty happy about that! I've got lots of calendars still in my etsy shop if you're interested. Anyways, that's my tooty-toot!


  1. Oh, Paige--that is FABULOUS news about your calendar!! HOOOOOORAY! Congrats:)

    And thanks for the info about the favicon!! I didn't know what that was--and I'm excited to change mine!

    Now I just need to figure out how to make my titles not "flash"....just regular text. Oy--technology and I do not get along:)

  2. Congrats on the calendar!! And thanks for the favicon note, never noticed it before, now I have to find something to use, lol!

  3. ok, I did mine as a lightbulb since my blog is titled "inspired to create"..hee hee...can't wait for it to show up...tfs the tip Paige, as usual, you are an inspiration to me!

  4. Congrats Paige for the Calender. Thanks for the favicon walkthru. I was thinking on discovering it.

  5. Wait to go on the Etsy calendar! Awesome!! And thanks for the tip on the favicon...had no idea :)

  6. I just saw a tutorial on this the other day Thanks for sharing. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  7. Its funny as I noticed before I read this post that your little picture had changed in my bookmark list!!

  8. What happy fun news about your calendar, Paige! Very, very cool!
    And love the tips on the flavicon. Wonder if that same trick would work for Wordpress??

  9. Congrats on the TOOT! :) HOw cool is that? Thanks for the tutorial, I need to figure out how to capture my screen on my Mac, I can do it on my iphone.... :)

  10. congrats on the calendar, I'll have to try that Favicon thing, I am always trying to update the look of my blog. thanks!! also, thanks for the comment on my page about my pup, yes he is squeezable!! he LOVES to snuggle and just be on top of anyone all the time, love him to pieces :)

  11. woot woot awesome news on your calendars! i love when i sell stuff on etsy...even though i really only do it to make money to buy scrapbook supplies! hehe.

    thanks for the little tutorial...i honestly didn't even know that little icon had a name. can't wait to change mine! :) have a great day!

  12. I finally remembered to 'pin' the tutorial you did on getting rid of the navbar so now I am going to pin this before I forget! thanks for sharing this awesome info. and big congrats on the calendar--they are fabulous so I am not at all surprised :)


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