The One with Q&A

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My SIL is the inspiration for this post - she comes up with awesome blogging ideas so I'm totally copying her. Hey - that's the most sincere form of flattery right? (Well, let's not open up that can of worms with the bunch of creative types that read this blog :)
Do you have questions? I've got answers!

What do you want to know about me, my life, what I do, what I think, what I believe, ANYTHING, EVERYTHING - let's hear what you want to know! (Let's keep it PG though :) I'll do my best to answer every single question in a near future post. This oughta be fun!


  1. I like this post...well there is a lot I would love to know about you. Firstly...where do you find your inspiration to create such beautiful cards and LO???
    Thanks Paige

  2. Miss Paige, I have always wondered what Mr. Chris thinks of all your craftiness. Is he tolerant, enthusiastically supportive, or a mix of both?

    Plus, I would like to know how you got so awesome.

  3. How exciting =)

    Have you been outside the USA?
    If so .. Where?

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    Happy Thursday!
    Melina ♥
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  4. Woo-Hoo, fun...

    How did you guys decide on the name Fox? (because I LOVE it)

  5. Hi Paige! I was just curious if you will ever be teaching a book binding workshop in Utah. I've love to attend.

  6. What do you love most about your mother? :)

  7. Here's another question: When are you going to have another baby? :)

  8. Does being fantastically crafty pay ok?

  9. I wanna hear what you love most about your Mom too. heehee j/k. I am wondering if you are a member of CHA and/or if you have had any fun experiences at any of the shows. I am hoping to attend the Anaheim show and can hardly contain my excitement!

  10. ha, love this! you'll become addicting to the q&a. it's so funny to hear all the questions that people have. so mine is: i know how much you love movies. what is your all time favorite movie?!

  11. I want to know how Joey is doing after his encounter the other day, and did those people ever apologize or anything?

  12. I have one :) What made you decide to title your blogs with "the one with"???

  13. here are my questions:
    1. do you ever get to scrap 'just for you'? messy. simple. whatever. put it in a book and done. no scanning or photographs. just for you.
    2. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10?
    3. if money were not necessary, what is the one thing you would purchase for yourself? what would you do? what places would you visit? to whom/what org would you give?

  14. I always read your blog and think you look so much like Anne Hathaway! Do people tell you this in real life?

    Also, how many kids would you all like to have?

  15. Awesome idea - I have so many questions but will just ask one. Which one...hmmm.....well I have been thinking of bucket lists at the moment - so whats on your bucket list??

  16. I'm into shampoo...what kind do you like? Do you use professional stuff or stuff from the grocery store?

  17. Oooh, I love reading people's questions for you! FUN! If I had people reading my blog, I'd do a post like this too. LOL. :-p Well, you know... I mean, more than three people... ;-)

    And Eliz asked what fun things you've experienced at CHA. I'd have to say that you met Reyanna at CHA, and that is AWESOMEness! ;-) Tee hee. But *how* we met is pretty funny too. Tee hee. :-p That's hot. ;-)

    Most of the questions people asked you, I know the answers. :-D Hmm... I'm trying to think of something I don't know about you. Hmm...

    I *totally* was going to ask you the baby question the other day. Because Fox is almost 15 months old... meaning, if you got pregnant next month, they would be two years apart. Just sayin... ;-)

    p.s. I can not WAIT to have another baby. Seriously, if Jeremy was on board, I'd be thinking of that SOON. LOL. I'm such a nerd. :-p Oh, and how fun would it be to be pregnant together? Fun stuff! :-)

  18. This is mean: Remember when we had you and Chris over for dinner a million years ago. What did you think of us? We didn't really know one another and sometimes I just think I'm a big awkward goober. I've always wondered what you thought about that night. Is that strange? You can be honest, no tears will be shed :)

  19. Oh my goodness! Is Carolyn jonesing for another grandbaby already??? I want to know why you think a cursive Q looks like a 2.

  20. Hi Paige !! I'm so excited finally get to asked you questions :P so here they are..

    What are you usually do when you have creative block ?

    Who inspired you ?

    How many scrapbook layouts do you have ?

    Thank you !!

  21. Who's your favorite Disney character?

  22. Hi Paige! I have been reading your blog awhile and I always wanted to tell you that I think it is so legit that you named your son after Mr Fox Mulder, whom I was obsessed with back in the day.
    Anyway, my question is: since Joey was your baby before Fox, how did that adjustment go for Joey?
    I have two dogs who are my babies for right now. Thanks!

  23. Paige! I absolutely Adore Your Hair!I also have naturally curly hair... What hair product do you use? Do you use a diffuser? Or are you blessed with gorgeous curls that just naturally air dry like that?

    Thanks so Much!

  24. hi paige. So I'm just wondering, whats your favorite layout of all time because you have so many awesome layouts. Also, where do you plan on laying down "roots" once Chris finishes dental school. i'll be so sad because you always have great posts on things to do in l.a. it amazes me because even as a native I haven't done/seen half o it, ha

  25. OH, Paige! I love that you are copying a post from a family member:) So cute!

    I love that you share so much with us---I just want to know how you do it all?? You work for and with great are the MOST talented are the BEST mom ever (and I'm sure you are a great wife too) are sooooooooo beautiful....How do you do it all???

    I actually thought of this question last night while watching Toddlers & Tiaras (I know..I know...I shouldn't watch that show--teaches the kids bad things)---I was watching T&T and thought, "I wonder if Paige would ever put Fox in a pageant show...he would totally win!" Literally--I thought that last night! LOL!

  26. Hi Paige!! I think your blog is so cute! I love your scrapbooking style and all the fun crafty things you share! Love your tips for blog design too!

    So here's my question...I was on an in house design team for years at a well known company but we never got our names put on any of our work:( With years of experience but no name to show for it I can't seem to have any success getting published on my own. What tips do you have for being a successful/published stay at home scrapbooker?

    Bonus question: what do you do when you hit a major creative block?

    Thanks a ton!!

  27. Did you know I am utterly jealous that you were genious enough to think of starting your blog posts like Friends episodes and that when I email or Facebook you I always want to start my sentences to you or write the Subject Line like that?

    So this is The One with Would You Rather...
    *sky dive or scuba dive? *go mutton' bustin' or ride a bucking bronco? *eat live scorpians or live roaches?

  28. I'd love to know who inspires you in the scrappy world :)?

    How did you meet Chris? High school sweetheart?

  29. Great idea! My question for you is how did you learn Morse Code? I think that is awesome, and I've always wanted to learn. Thanks!

  30. TOO FUNNY 'cuz I was just thinking-HOW do you stay so on top of things? You seem uber-organized especially being a new mom (I remember it was tough getting a shower everyday when my little man was Fox's age). If you have tips, I'd LOVE to hear them! :) Thanks, Paige!


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