The One with Chris Evans

Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm married for time and all eternity to my best friend, Chris Evans. 
Not to be confused with the actor, Chris Evans, who is becoming more and more well-known.
They do kinda sorta maybe have some facial similarities goin' on.
Chris Evans is becoming so "popular" in fact, that when we go out to eat places and they ask for our name and he says "Chris Evans" the person does a double-take to see if it's the Chris Evans. It's LA afterall! Stars live here!

438 other Chris Evans's also have this dilemma. 

Personally, I think I got the better Chris Evans :)
PS - Thanks for the idea for this post Leslie!


  1. Cool guy and a cool family!! HUGS!

  2. Ah, Chris. He is Tom Evans' favorite, too. Must be nice to be him. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In the UK, the most famous Chris Evans isn't the actor, it's a BBC radio DJ and TV presenter. Put 'Chris Evans BBC DJ' into Google and click on the 'BBC - Chris Evans' link (2nd up at the moment.) He used to do loads of wacky TV shows in the '90's, and date lots of other celebs, but now he's calmed down, got married & had kids, and largely does radio. Famous Chris Evans's from around the world!

  5. Aw, I think you do, too, Paige! Have a super weekend!

  6. aw, such a cute post! i think that's funny that he starts using his full name now. i would to if someone had my name, ha
    xo TJ

  7. Love Fox in that last picture. Such a cute little sleeper! I bet Chris had a big drool patch on his shoulder once Fox woke up. I used to get them from my kids all the time!

  8. favorite post of the week!! Love it. They do kinda.. sorta ..maybe look alike : )
    Im pretty sure you have the best chris out there!

  9. oh I do think you got the better part of the deal! :)

  10. he is a cutie and a keeper Paige, love the pic of Fox sleeping and his little lips all puckered out, so cute!!!

  11. aw, you two are so cute! well, tech 3 with fox. ;) ...and now soon to be 4. :)

  12. I woulda gone with the actor Chris Evans. :)

  13. Ah man, I feel ripped off. This whole time I thought your Chris Evans was THE Chris Evan the actor... just teasing Chris. You're the coolest one I know.


  14. Such a cute post!! I will have to look up the actor Chris Evans and see what movies he has been in!! And I LOVE that last family photo of you guys!! You look awesome aviator shades!

  15. LOVED this post:) I love the pictures too--esp. that last one of all of you!!! So interesting that 439 people have his name!

    You two are amazing and so blessed!!! Praying for continued love and growth for your marriage and family:)

  16. FUN post! And your Chris is pretty special! Funny thing in high school I had a MAJOR crush on a handsome Chris Evans....

  17. HA!! I knew they were twins with the same name!
    Your post is so cute today!
    I LOVE it!

  18. Our Chris is MUCH more handsome than the actor!!!

  19. Love this - although my husband has been mistaken for Tom Green - better stick with my own hubby :) Ha!!

  20. yup.. i agree that you got the better Chris Evans! heeeheee!!


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