The One with Faux Nursery

Sunday, February 26, 2012

At the beginning of the year our church meeting schedule changed from 9am-12pm (the perfect time!) to 11am-2pm (not so perfect time...). Let's just say the time switch has been.... challenging... We have a definite routine with Fox and it doesn't mesh well with our new time slot. Lunch is at noon, nap time is at 1. Smack dab in the middle of church. Add that to the fact that Fox has been throwing more and more tantrums lately (the terrible twos have definitely come early!) and Sundays = miserable. Even though Fox looks like he's 2, it's not looks that matter to be admitted to nursery, it's age. (Nursery is where all the kids age 18 months to 3 years (correct me if I'm wrong) hang out for two hours during Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society so the parents can actually pay attention). Fox isn't 18 months old until April 14th - nearly two months away. Instead of roaming aimlessly through the halls today, we decided to check out Nursery! As long as parents stay with their kiddos until they "come of age" they can be in there. 

Fox's toy of choice: a big green bouncy ball. He held onto this thing for dear life.

He didn't really interact with any of the other kids, he just watched from afar. 
Faux Nursery is definitely a step up from meandering through the halls for two hours! Counting down the days 'til he's legit!


  1. I love the second picture. You caught him mid-stride and then look on his face is classic.

  2. He's too tall for those pants. Maybe a future baller there (plus, his preference for the ball). Also, it looks like no haircut yet. Finally, I think only California has outdoor nursery. Very nice.

  3. Love the sweet photos!! He sure loves the bouncy ball because it feels SAFE :)

  4. ha, you are too funny! but you are almost there!

    oh, and fox's hair. adorable!!!

  5. he is such a doll! I love his curls and clothes!!! Kassel is only 9 months and I can't wait until nursery. Except I kinda like having an excuse too... ;)

  6. Oh look at those gorgeous curls! :)

  7. He looks very stylish in his outfit :)

  8. I think that anything but morning church is super-challenging for kids that are too young for Primary. We have 9-12 right now (great), but then the next time is 12:30-3:30 (blech).

  9. That first photo is just precious! I can almost see the handsome man he is going to be in there...

  10. OH MY! This is full of super cute pictures!!!! I love that first photo! So sorry Sundays are HARD! Soon it will get better:) HUGS!

  11. I hear ya! We have the same church time now. We've pretty much got it down now though... I bring the stroller with me, and I put her in it after Sacrament. I put a blanket over it and walk her around outside/inside and have her fall asleep for that second hour. She gets about a 45-60 min nap in, and then she's awake for Relief Society. I bring her some food (crackers, puffs, applesauce, etc) and toys, and she's *pretty* good (tee hee) until 2pm. Phew. But man, we are BOTH ready for naps when we get home! LOL. :-p

    But I think that's a GREAT idea that you're taking him in for these two months before he's 18 months. That's genius! I'm SOOOO going to do that too! :-)

  12. p.s. LOVE these photos! The one of him in mid-stride... awesome! He looks like a little man. :-)


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